Goldschmidt 2014. Session 7C: Magmatic and Tectonic Evolution of the Western Cordillera
We invite contributions to our session at the upcoming Goldschmidt meeting, June 22-28, 2014 in Sacramento, California.
07c: Magmatic and Tectonic Evolution of the Western Cordillera
The western Cordillera of North America have provided a vast natural laboratory to develop and test ideas about the evolution of magma systems from the volcanic cover deep into the plutonic roots. This broad session focuses on the links between these magmatic systems and their tectonic settings. We encourage submission of papers that explore the evolution of magmatic centers through time and that can link them to subduction, extension, mantle plumes or hotspots. Thus, application of geochronology, structure, and geophysics aimed at understanding the geochemistry of the igneous rocks are all welcome.
Conveners: Eric H. Christiansen, Dawnika Blatter, Joseph Colgan, and Tapani Ramo
Keynote Speaker: Chris Henry
View the full session list organized by themes at
The abstract deadline is February 8. Instructions for submissions are at
Eric H Christiansen
Eric H Christiansen
Department of Geological Sciences
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
Telephone: 801-422-2113
Fax: 801-422-0267
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