AGU 2015. V037, The Tempo of Continental Flood Basalt Eruptions
From: "Loÿc Vanderkluysen" <loyc@xxxxxxxxxx>AGU 2015. V037, The Tempo of Continental Flood Basalt Eruptions
Dear all,
We would like to invite you to
submit abstracts to the following LIPs-themed session at the upcoming
2015 AGU Fall meeting (San Francisco, December 14-18):
V037: The Tempo of Continental Flood Basalt Eruptions
Flood Basalt (CFB) eruptions play an important role in mass and energy
fluxes between the mantle, crust, and atmosphere, and at least the last
four mass extinctions are associated closely in time with CFB
"main-phase" eruptions. However, a better understanding of the timing
and rate of CFB eruptions relative to paleontological and geochemical
markers of major biospheric disturbances is necessary to further
progress in understanding possible causal relations, as well as
achieving a more fundamental geodynamical and petrological understanding
of the genesis of these extraordinary volcanic events. This session
provides a forum for presentation of new results or reviews from diverse
fields including geochronology, volcanology, petrology, geochemistry,
paleontology, and geophysical and atmospheric modeling that bear on this
Loÿc Vanderkluysen, Drexel University
Stephen Self, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission & UC-Berkeley
Paul Renne, Berkeley Geochronological Center
Andrea Marzoli, University of Padova
The submission deadline is Wednesday, August 5 at 23:59 EDT.
For the conveners,
Loÿc Vanderkluysen
Drexel University
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