new USGS Professional Paper on Hawaiian volcanism now on line
From: "Poland, Michael" <mpoland@xxxxxxxx>new USGS Professional Paper on Hawaiian volcanism now on line
Dear Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that the US Geological Survey announces the publication of Professional Paper 1801, "Characteristics of Hawaiian Volcanoes."
The volume, which was produced in conjunction with the Centennial of
the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) in 2012, reviews the history of
research and the current understanding of Hawaiian volcanism across a
wide spectrum of topics. The book also introduces new data and models
to address such issues as flank instability, island evolution, eruption
dynamics, hazards, and a variety of other subjects. The volume consists
of 10 chapters authored by current and former HVO staff and
All 10 chapters are freely accessible from http://pubs.usgs.gov/pp/1801/. Bound hard copies will be available in early 2015.
and students interested in basaltic volcanism should find the volume to
be a valuable starting point for future investigations of Hawaiian
volcanoes, as well as an informative and entertaining read.
We hope you find "Characteristics of Hawaiian Volcanoes" useful and interesting.
For the authors and editors,
Mike Poland
Michael Poland
USGS - Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
Phone: (808) 967-8891
Fax: (808) 967-8890
Email: mpoland@xxxxxxxx
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