Goldschmidt workshop: Arc magmatism and crustal forensics in the Andes
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to an upcoming workshop on June 8, 2014, associated with the Goldschmidt meeting in Sacramento, CA.
Arc magmatism and crustal forensics in the Andes - Geological, Geochemical, Geophysical, and Geochronological perspectives
The workshop will consist of Plenary lectures from invited experts in Andean and continental arc petrology, volcanology, geochemical, geophysical, and geological records. Anticipated invitee presenters include Sue Kay, Brad Singer, George Zandt, Scott Paterson and James Quick. Panel moderated discussions with strong audience participation is anticipated. Since it is now over 25 years since the publication of the MASH model by Hildreth and Moorbath, (1988), it is expected that this will be a major focus of discussion. Attendees are encouraged to bring one or two powerpoint slides that could be used to briefly introduce an issue for discussion.
We hope to see you there!
Rita Economos,Shan de Silva Andrew Barth,
Official summary
The Andean magmatic system is held up as the archetype of continental arc magmatism and a natural laboratory for investigating the first-order characteristics of orogenic magmatism as a global process. For the last 25 years the MASH paradigm has dominated our thinking and it remains at the center of debates about how the fundamental components of arc magmatic systems are constructed and connected. Recent efforts are bringing vital perspectives from new datasets, phase equilibria, geophysical experiments, studies of exposed crustal sections, and timescales. The goal of this workshop is to assess, 25 years on, where we are in terms of our understanding of arc-scale magmatic processes in light of new geochemical, geophysical and geological data.
The workshop will start with a keynote perspective on Andean Magmatism.
The day will then be divided into four topical sessions – geochemical perspectives, geophysical constraints, tilted sections as geological laboratories, and tilted crustal sections as they inform us on the timing and tempo of arc magmatism. Each of the sessions will be introduced by a broad 30-minute plenary talk that will frame historical perspectives and current points of controversy.
The plenary talks will be followed by 45 to 90 minutes of discussion moderated by 2-3 member panels. The discussions will include time for panel members and the audience to contribute brief prepared presentations to stimulate discussion as needed.
The possibility of a Special Issue of GEOSPHERE will be discussed.
Rita Economos
Staff Research Scientist
Keck Ion Microprobe Laboratory
Department of Earth and Space Sciences, UCLA
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