VOLCANO: Fred Frey Special Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta Volume Contributors

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Fred Frey Special Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta Volume Contributors
From: Michael Garcia <mogarcia@xxxxxxxxxx>

We are soliciting contributions to a “Special Fred Frey issue” of Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta (GCA) as part of the recognition of his lifetime of achievement in geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology and volcanology that was presented at the Geological Society of America national meeting in Nov. 2014. We are encouraging contributions from anybody in the community interested in honoring Fred.

GCA was selected because:

1.         Fred’s long history with GCA.  He was an associate editor for many years, and has co-authored ~ 20 papers in GCA between 1969 and 2014.  It is a natural home for a special issue in his honor.

2.         High impact factor, 4.25 in 2014 and 4.8 over 5 years.

3.         No page charges.

4.         GCA articles are made available online as they are accepted both as ‘articles in press’ and as ‘volumes in press’.  They are also announced as they are accepted through Science Direct. So, your paper will not be held up by your tardy colleagues.

Submission: Papers will be submitted, reviewed and published following the same procedures and editorial standards as a regular GCA article, and will be expected to observe the same standards of quality, significance or novelty as GCA publications.

Editors: Shichun Huang, currently an Associate Editor for GCA, will assist the “guest editorial team” of Mike Garcia, Fred Frey, Rosemary Hickey-Vargas and Mike Rhodes.       

Color images: For the print version they are $400/figure.  However, color images are free for the on-line version.  This means authors have the option of publishing in color in the on-line version and black and white in the print version.  If you elect to go this route you should submit both black and white and color versions of your figures (converting color figures to ‘gray scale’ apparently presents technical problems).

Submission Deadline:  Fred’s 77th birthday is April Fool’s Day (April 1st).  You are welcome to submit your paper anytime starting now through his birthday. The absolute ‘set-in-stone’ deadline will be June 1st.  No papers will be accepted after that date

 We are looking forward to your contribution.

Mike Garcia, Mike Rhodes, Fred Frey, Rosemary Hickey-Vargas, Shichun Huang


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