AGU 2015. Cosmic Ray Muon Imaging
From: "Rowe, Char" <char@xxxxxxxx>AGU 2015. Cosmic Ray Muon Imaging
Because cosmic ray muons have been applied in some high-profile research into the 3D structure of volcanoes, we would like to draw your attention to the following special session for the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in December:
Session ID#: 7404
Cosmic Ray Muons in Combination with Other Geophysical Data to Improve Resolution of Subsurface Imaging: Sensors, Analysis, Inversion and Applications from Tunnel to Mountain Scale
Nontraditional geophysical imaging methods are gaining increased attention as more emphasis is given to improving the resolution and reducing the uncertainty of images for shallow targets. Cosmic ray muon methods in particular are being leveraged in a wide variety of applications, and new emphasis is being placed on jointly inverting these data with complementary geophysical measurements. If your geophysical or geological imaging research includes the use of cosmic ray muon density mapping, particularly in combination with other types of geophysical data, we encourage your contribution to this session. Sensor technologies, data analysis methods and field deployments at scales ranging from tunnel to reservoir and from ore body to whole mountain are welcome.
Charlotte Rowe - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Alain Bonneville, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Andre Revil, Colorado School of Mines
Primary section
NS - Near Surface Geophysics
Cross-listed with
S - Seismology
V - Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology
Thank you!
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