PhD on Environmental effects of volcanic ash at University of Louvain, Belgium
From: "Pierre Delmelle" <pierre.delmelle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>PhD on Environmental effects of volcanic ash at University of Louvain, Belgium
Dear all,
As part of the EU-funded Initial Training Network VERTIGO
(www.vertigo-itn.eu), we offer a 3-year position for an Early Stage
Researchers (ESR) at the University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium. It is
envisaged that the ESR will be awarded a PhD degree at the end of the
Project summary: Our understanding of the impacts (positive and negative)
of volcanic ash emissions on terrestrial ecosystems currently remains
limited. Through laboratory and field studies, this project will seek to
improve knowledge on the linkages between ash deposition and (i) soil
chemical and physical fertility, (ii) chemical weathering rates in the
Earth’s Critical Zone and (iii) soil organic carbon sequestration. The ESR
will be using state-of-the-art analytical facilities and will be working
in an interdisciplinary environment. The results of the project will have
important implications for assessing the influence of volcanic ash on
element biogeochemical cycling at different temporal and spatial scales.
The program includes training schools, practical courses, workshops,
secondments and participation in scientific conferences. A solid
background in low-temperature geochemistry, isotopic geochemistry,
inorganic chemistry and/or soil science will constitute a competitive
The successful candidate will be based at the Earth & Life Institute
(http://www.uclouvain.be/eli.html), which hosts ~300 scientists, including
agronomists, biologists, hydrologists, geochemists, geographers,
physicists, soil scientists, microbiologists and Earth System modelers.
More details on VERTIGO funding and ELIGIBILITY can be found on EURAXESS
The application deadline is 14th March and the candidate is anticipated to
start in May 2014. For any queries, please contact the project
Pierre Delmelle (pierre.delmelle@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Sophie Opfergelt (sophie.opfergelt@xxxxxxxxxxxx
All the best, Pierre
All the best, Pierre
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