AGU 2014. 2498: Accelerated and Punctuated — Emerging Perspectives in Magmagenesis
From: Mark Schmitz <
Dear Colleagues,
We call your attention to and welcome your contributions to the Fall 2014 AGU Special Session
Accelerated and Punctuated — Emerging Perspectives in Magmagenesis
Convenors: Ilya Bindeman and Mark Schmitz
traditional view of magma bodies under many large intermediate-silicic
volcanoes is one of long-lived, batholith scale mush piles periodically
rejuvenated by more mafic magmas and partially erupted in
caldera-forming events. These views are being refined and challenged by
in situ measurements of stable and radiogenic isotopes and trace element
diffusion profiles, high resolution geochronologic studies, and
numerical models of magma chamber convection and dynamics that suggest
the ease with which melts are segregated, heat is transferred and
consumed, and magmas are erupted. This session seeks to bring together a
diverse community of scientists to debate and reconcile traditional and
emerging perspectives on the lifespans of crustal magmas. We invite
contributions that highlight the state-of-the-art in the documentation
and interrogation of the temporal scales of intermediate-silicic
magmagenesis, including geochemical, geochronological and numerical
modeling studies.
Invited speakers:
Fidel Costa (Singapore), Taras Gerya (ETH Zurich), Kari Cooper (UC Davis), Urs Schaltegger (U Geneva, Switzerland)
Section/Focus Group: Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology (V)
the AGU abstract deadline, August 6th, and please forward this message
to any students and other colleagues that might be interested in this
With best regards,
Mark Schmitz and Ilya Bindeman
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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