VOLCANO: CoV 8. Magmatic processes linked to volcanic forecasting

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CoV 8. Magmatic processes linked to volcanic forecasting
From: Martel Caroline <caroline.martel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the following session to be held at the Cities on Volcanoes 8 meeting in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (9 - 13 Sept 2014):

The Links Between Magmatic Evolution and Volcanic Forecasting: Insights from Field, Experimental, Geochemical and Numerical Studies at Arc Volcanoes (Session 1.III.A)

The materials erupted at active arc volcanoes are the result of a complex array of processes that take place in the source region, magma storage reservoirs and the conduit systems that connect them to the surface. Investigating the links between evolving magma compositions, volatile exsolution and the style and timing of volcanic eruptions requires precise chronology for some of the shortest geological timescales. The key question is whether eruption style and process can be predicted using recognisable, key geophysical, geochemical and mineralogical features.
This session aims to bring together volcanologists, petrologists, geochemists and geophysicists from field, experiments, and numerical domains, in order to link the behaviour of magmatic systems to eruptions and develop short and long-term forecasting tools. We particularly, welcome contributions on the processes and timing of degassing (bubble growth, gas segregation and ascent) and differentiation (crystallisation, recharge and assimilation) of magmas in the crust.

Conveners : 

Caroline MARTEL (ISTO-CNRS, Orléans, France)
Heather HANDLEY (Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia)
Valentin TROLL (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Ralf GERTISSER (Keele University, UK)
Jean-Christophe KOMOROWSKI (IPGP, Paris, France)
Benoît TAISNE (EOS, Singapore)
Virginie PINEL (ISTERRE, Chambéry, France)

The abstract submission deadline is Monday 14th April 2014.
Full details can be found on http://www.citiesonvolcanoes8.com.

We hope to see in Yogya!

Caroline MARTEL


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