AGU 2014. MSNoise Workshop
MSNoise Workshop at AGU 2014
Dear All !
There are things coming every year, such as Thanksgiving, or Christmas… And, before Christmas, there is the annual pilgrimage for some 20.000 geoscientists gathering in San Francisco for AGU. Just like last year, we have booked a room at the Marriott Marquis to organise a MSNoise workshop ! Last year an half-day was too short for going into detail, so this year, we are pleased to announce a 1 day MSNoise workshop on Sunday 14 December!
The aim of this workshop is to demonstrate the powers (and limitations) of the dv/v calculations using ambient seismic noise cross-correlation. The MSNoise package (written in Python) will be introduced and then used by participants on provided demo data. A general schedule will be:
08.30 – 08.45: Welcome
08.45 – 10.00: Introduction to ambient noise cross-correlation
& dv/v – Florent Brenguier (ISTerre)
10.00 – 12.00: MSNoise: general presentation - Thomas Lecocq
(Royal Obs. of Belgium)
12.00 – 12.45: Lunch Break (not included)
13.00 – 18.00: MSNoise practical session – Thomas &
Corentin Caudron (EOSingapore)
Because of high organisational costs, we can’t afford to organise this workshop for free. We have fixed the fee to 250 USD (200 €) per person, with a discount for students at 185 USD (150 €). Payments will be done online via Credit Card (payment information will be sent by email).
To ensure the quality of the experience for everyone, we will not accept more than 30 participants. Each participant is required to have a sufficiently recent laptop with software requirements installed beforehand (instructions will follow). Participants are not expected to be Python experts, but to have at least a little experience in programming. To register, use the form located here.
Information on MSNoise: MSNoise is the first complete software package for computing and monitoring relative velocity variations using ambient seismic noise. MSNoise is a fully-integrated solution that automatically scans data archives and determines which jobs need to be done whenever the scheduled task is executed (
Worth reading: Lecocq, Thomas, Corentin
Caudron, et Florent Brenguier (2014), MSNoise, a Python
Package for Monitoring Seismic Velocity Changes Using Ambient
Seismic Noise, Seismological Research Letters, 85(3),
715‑726, doi:10.1785/0220130073.
Thomas Lecocq
-- Dr. Thomas Lecocq Seismology - Gravimetry Royal Observatory of Belgium * * * * * * * * * * ---------!/Seismologie_be
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