IUGG 2015. Additional field guide related to Field Trip A6 (Plio-Pleistocene Volcanism in Western Hungary)
From: Uli Martin <Ceboruco@xxxxxx>IUGG 2015. Additional field guide related to Field Trip A6 (Plio-Pleistocene Volcanism in Western Hungary)
Hello to everyone,
if there is anyone interested in participating the fieldtrip "A6
Plio-Pleistocene Phreatomagmatic Volcanism in a Fluvio-Lacustrine Basin
in Western Hungary" during the IUGG General Assembly 2015, I still have a
few fieldtrip guides with the title "Mio/Pliocene Phreatomagmatic
Volcanism in the Western Pannonian Basin" published in Geologica
Hungarica and would sell them as preparation to the fieldtrip.
Please contact me on ceboruco@xxxxxx
Ulrike Martin
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