VOLCANO: MED-SUV Newsletter No 2 (November 2014)

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MED-SUV Newsletter No 2 (November 2014)
From: Vagner Amelie <a.vagner@xxxxxxx>

MED-SUV Newsletter #2 - November 2014
Download the Newsletter in PDF Format => http://www.med-suv.eu/spip.php?action="">
The MED-SUV project proposes the development and implementation of a state-of-the-art infrastructure for the volcanic risk management life-cycle, from the observation to people preparedness, in southern Italy. The infrastructure will rely upon the improvements of the understanding of geophysical processes underlying the volcanic systems of Vesuvius / Campi Flegrei and Mt. Etna. It will also achieve the integration of existing components, such as monitoring systems and data bases, novel sensors for the measurements of volcanic parameters, and tools for data analysis and process modeling.

This project is funded under the call FP7 ENV.2012.6.4-2 : Long-term monitoring experiment in geologically active regions of Europe prone to natural hazards : the Supersite concept. Grant agreement n°308665.


Last updates in MEDSUV project
The Management Team of MED-SUV would like to report that two critical goals for the project community were achieved these last months. The first goal regards the appointment of both Mt. Etna and Campi Flegrei/Vesuvius as GEO Supersites and the second goal concerns the end of the Amendment process.

FBG strain sensors for volcano monitoring
Advancements in opto-electronics have allowed the development of low-cost fiber optic sensors, reliable, rugged and compact, which are particularly suitable for field applications. In particular, strain sensors based on optical Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) are the most promising to monitor active volcanoes.

The summit eruptions of July-August 2014 of Etna
After a few weeks of eruptive quiescence, Etna awoke on 5 July 2014, when weak explosive activity and lava emission started from two new vents located at 3020 m elevation on the lower east flank of the Northeast Crater cone.

Multiparametric experiment at Mt. Etna : investigation in both degassing and eruptive dynamics
A multi-parametric experiment to investigate degassing and, explosive and effusive dynamics was performed at Etna in July 2014. The experiment involved almost 40 researchers/technicians of different institutions from Italy, Germany and France.

TOMO-ETNA: end of the active phase of the seismic experiment
On July 24th, 2014 the active seismic experiment TOMO-ETNA, MED-SUV finalized its active phase with the withdrawal of the portable short period seismic network deployed in Etna volcano and surrounding areas. The Broad Band seismic network, composed by 20 stations, remained operative until the end of the next month of October 2014.

Website: http://www.med-suv.eu/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/medsuv


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