Staff Scientist position in Geophysics
From: Diana Roman <droman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Staff Scientist position in Geophysics
Dear colleagues,
The Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (DTM) of the Carnegie Institution of Washington seeks a staff scientist in the broad field of geophysics who will investigate solid-Earth processes at the planetary scale. Areas of expertise and research emphases might include (but are not limited to) the thermal history, convection, differentiation, and tectonics of Earth and other terrestrial planets, connections between planetary formation processes and past and present geological and seismological structure of the Earth, or mantle-lithosphere dynamics. This person should complement existing research programs in the Department (http://dtm.carnegiescience.edu/research). Applicants who integrate across traditional boundaries, especially between between models and observations, and geophysics, geochemistry, and planetary sciences, are particularly encouraged to apply.
The Carnegie Institution is a basic research organization with a history of innovative instrumentation development. DTM staff scientists hold long-term appointments and pursue independent research supported by a combination of endowment and federal funds. DTM staff scientists do not have teaching duties, but we place considerable emphasis on mentoring postdoctoral scholars.
Applications should be submitted through https://jobs.carnegiescience.edu/jobs/dtm/ and should include a curriculum vitae, brief statement of research plans, and abstracts from the applicant's three most important papers. Please also provide the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of three professional referees, whose letters may be requested by DTM. Questions may be sent to staffposition@xxxxxxxxxxx.
Review of applications will begin September 15, 2014, and will continue until the position is filled. Carnegie is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, minorities and veterans are encouraged to apply.
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