SAR data available for Sinabung volcano
From: Falk Amelung <famelung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>SAR data available for Sinabung volcano
Hello All,
for those using SAR or InSAR data, there is an opportunity to
obtain Cosmo-SkyMed and Radarsat-2 imagery of Sinabung volcano. The data
are provided by the Italian and Canadian space agencies in the
framework of an "event Supersite" of the Geohazard Supersite
and Natural Laboratory (GSNL) initiative of the Global Earth
Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). Data access currently requires to
become a Co-I on the project and signing the data use licenses.
This is the first Supersite established for a volcanic crises. In
the future we hope that GEOSS will make SAR and other satellite imagery
available for every crisis in SE Asia. There will be a planning meeting
on volcano monitoring by GEOSS at the CoV
meeting in Yogyakarta on Friday 12 Sep at 19:00.
For more information please visit:
Information on the initiative is available at:
best regards
Falk Amelung
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