VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - Sept 2014

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PubVolc Digest - Sept 2014
From: "TRUBY J.M." <j.m.truby@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear All,
The digest of articles submitted to PubVolc in September 2014 is below. You may prefer to view this digest online, where you can also request reprints of most of the articles:
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******** PubVolc: latest volcanology articles, Sep 2014 ********

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Categories (number of entries):
1. Ash, tephra and plumes (1)
2. Effusive volcanism (1)
3. Eruption mechanisms, flow emplacement (3)
4. Eruptive history (4)
5. Experimental volcanism (3)
6. Explosive volcanism (10)
7. Field relationships (1)
8. Hydrothermal systems (5)
9. Igneous geochemistry (1)
10. Igneous petrology (1)
11. Instruments and techniques (2)
12. Intra-plate volcanism (1)
13. Lava rheology and morphology (2)
14. Magma migration and fragmentation (2)
15. Remote sensing of volcanoes (1)
16. Subaqueous volcanism, hydrovolcanism (2)
17. Subduction zone processes (1)
18. Thermodynamics (1)
19. Volcanic gases (2)
20. Volcanic hazards and risks (5)
21. Volcano seismology (4)
22. Volcano/climate interactions (1)
23. Volcanoclastic deposits (2)
24. Volcanoes and mankind (1)

* 1. Ash, tephra and plumes *

Title:     Particle segregation of an eruption plume as
           revealed by a comprehensive analysis of tephra
           dispersal: Theory and application
Author:    Mannen, K.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 284,
           61-78, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?8ces9g

* 2. Effusive volcanism *

Title:     Time-averaged discharge rate of subaerial lava at
           K&#299;lauea Volcano, Hawai‘i, measured from TanDEM-X
           interferometry: Implications for magma supply and
           storage during 2011–2013
Author:    Poland, M.P.
Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research, 119(7), 5464-5481,
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?opevp7

* 3. Eruption mechanisms, flow emplacement *

Title:     The 1970 eruption on Deception Island (Antarctica):
           eruptive dynamics and implications for volcanic hazards
Authors:   Pedrazzi, D., Díaz, G. A., Bartolini, S.,
           Martí, J. and Geyer, A.
Reference: Journal of the Geological Society, 1-14, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?2vlpf2

Title:     Post-depositional intrusion and extrusion through a
           scoria and spatter cone of fountain-fed nephelinite
           lavas (Las Herreras volcano, Calatrava, Spain)
Authors:   Sanchez, M. C. , Sarrionandia, F. and Ibarguchi, J.
           I. G.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 76(9), Art. No. 860, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?5ajzcp

Title:     Fractal Analysis of Enclaves as a New Tool for
           Estimating Rheological Properties of Magmas During
           Mixing: The Case of Montaña Reventada (Tenerife, Canary
Authors:   Albert, H., Perugini, D. and Martí, J.
Reference: Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1-12, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?gzi4nj

* 4. Eruptive history *

Title:     Construction and destruction of a volcanic island
           developed inside an oceanic rift: Graciosa Island,
           Terceira Rift, Azores
Authors:   Sibrant, A.L.R., Marques, F.O. and Hildenbrand, A.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 284,
           32-45, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?9uagau

Title:     The June-July 2007 collapse and refilling of Pu`u
           `O`o Crater, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i
Author:    Orr, T.
Reference: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations
           Report 2014–5124, 15 p., 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?o9yov1

Title:     Two hundred years of magma transport and storage at
           Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i, 1790-2008
Authors:   Wright, T.L. and Klein, F.W.
Reference: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, 1806,
           1-240, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?tf4p2o

Title:     Construction of volcanic records from marine
           sediment cores: A review and case study (Montserrat,
           West Indies)
Authors:   Cassidy, M., Watt, S.F.L., Palmer, M.R., Trofimovs,
           J., Symons, W., et al.
Reference: Earth Science Reviews, 138, 137 - 155, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?x71343

* 5. Experimental volcanism *

Title:     Experimental study of dense pyroclastic density
           currents using sustained, gas-fluidized granular flows
Authors:   Rowley, P. J., Roche, O., Druitt, T. H. and Cas, R.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 76(9), Art. No. 855, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?mpxlsn

Title:     Dispersal and air entrainment in unconfined dilute
           pyroclastic density currents
Author:    Andrews, B. J.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 76(9), Art. No. 852, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?n25gfj

Title:     The influence of porosity and vesicle size on the
           brittle strength of volcanic rocks and magma
Authors:   Heap, M. J., Xu, T. and Chen, C.-F.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 76(9), Art. No. 856, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?tcif1g

* 6. Explosive volcanism *

Title:     Pyroclast Tracking Velocimetry illuminates bomb
           ejection and explosion dynamics at Stromboli (Italy) and
           Yasur (Vanuatu) volcanoes
Authors:   Gaudin, D., Taddeucci, J., Scarlato, P., Moroni, M.,
           Freda, C., et al.
Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth ,
           119(7), 5384-5397, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?4smzni

Title:     High-speed imaging, acoustic features, and
           aeroacoustic computations of jet noise from Strombolian
           (and Vulcanian) explosions
Authors:   Taddeucci, J.,  Sesterhenn, J., Scarlato, P.,
           Stampka, K., Del Bello, E., et al.
Reference: Geophysical Research Letters, 41(9), 3096-3102, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?81aaak

Title:     The 3640-3510 BC rhyodacite eruption of Chachimbiro
           compound volcano, Ecuador: a violent directed blast
           produced by a satellite dome
Authors:   Bernard, B., Hidalgo, S., Robin, C., Beate, B. and
           Quijozaca, J.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 76(9), Art. No. 849, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?93t8vf

Title:     Spatial-temporal distribution of explosive volcanism
           in the 25-28°S segment of the Andean Central Volcanic
Authors:   Guzmán, S., Grosse, P., Montero-López,
           C., Hongn, F., Pilger, R., et al.
Reference: Tectonophysics, In Press, DOI:
           10.1016/j.tecto.2014.08.013, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?9j955v

Title:     Transient explosions at open-vent volcanoes: The
           case of Stromboli (Italy)
Authors:   Pioli, L., Pistolesi, M. and Rosi, M.
Reference: Geology, 42, 863-866, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?n9xmqu

Title:     Magma mixing and forced exsolution of CO2 during the
           explosive 2007-2008 eruption of Oldoinyo Lengai
Authors:   Bosshard-Stadlin, S.A., Mattsson, H.B. and Keller,
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 285,
           229-246, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?oxcr16

Title:     Explosive felsic volcanism on El Hierro (Canary
Authors:   Pedrazzi, D., Becerril, L., Martí, J.,
           Meletlidis, S. and Galindo, I.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 76(10), 1-19, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?rlkbkf

Title:     An integrated model of magma chamber, conduit and
           column for the analysis of sustained explosive eruptions
Authors:   Colucci, S., de' Michieli Vitturi, M., Neri, A. and
           Palladino, D. M.
Reference: Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL), 404,
           98-110, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?rrjktf

Title:     Pyroclast Tracking Velocimetry: A particle tracking
           velocimetry-based tool for the study of Strombolian
           explosive eruptions
Authors:   Gaudin, D, Moroni, M, Taddeucci, T, Scarlato, P and
           Shindler, L
Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,
           119(7), 5369-5383, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?vb6utm

Title:     Influence of grain-size distribution on the dynamics
           of underexpanded volcanic jets
Authors:   Carcano, S., Esposti Ongaro, T., Bonaventura, L. and
           Neri, A.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 285,
           60-80, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?w86rtt

* 7. Field relationships *

Title:     Local high relief at the southern margin of the
           Andean plateau by 9 Ma: evidence from ignimbritic valley
           fills and river incision.
Authors:   Montero-Lopez, C., Strecker, M.R., Schildgen, T.F.,
           Hongn, F., Guzman, S., et al.
Reference: Terra Nova, 10.1111/ter.12120, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?si1jvw

* 8. Hydrothermal systems *

Title:     Fluid geochemistry and soil gas fluxes (CO2–CH4–H2S)
           at a promissory Hot Dry Rock Geothermal System: The
           Acoculco caldera, Mexico
Authors:   Peiffer, L., Bernard-Romero, R., Mazot, A., Taran,
           Y.A., Guevara, M., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 284,
           122-137, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?gfaadb

Title:     Geothermal systems on the island of Java, Indonesia
Authors:   Purnomo, B. J. and Pichler, T.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 285,
           47-59, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?imfu1g

Title:     Volcanic spreading forcing and feedback in
           geothermal reservoir development, Amiata Volcano, Italia
Authors:   Borgia, A., Mazzoldi, A., Brunori, C. A., Allocca,
           C., Delcroix, C., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 284,
           16-31, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?jx1tiy

Title:     Fracture permeability and water–rock interaction in
           a shallow volcanic groundwater reservoir and the concern
           of its interaction with the deep geothermal reservoir of
           Mt. Amiata, Italy
Authors:   La Felice, S., Montanari, D., Battaglia, S.,
           Bertini, G. and Gianelli, G.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 284,
           95-105, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?jxsq53

Title:     Three-dimensional model of the deep geothermal
           resources in the Taupo–Reporoa Basin, New Zealand
Authors:   Kaya, E., O'Sullivan, M. J. and Yeh, A.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 284,
           46-60, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?kru9cr

* 9. Igneous geochemistry *

Title:     Geochemical variability in distal and proximal glass
           from the Youngest Toba Tuff eruption
Authors:   Gatti, E., Villa, I.M., Achyuthan, H., Gibbard, P.L.
           and Oppenheimer, C.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 76(9), Art. No. 859, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ae64av

* 10. Igneous petrology *

Title:     Antecrysts and their effect on rock compositions:
           The Cretaceous lamprophyre suite in the Catalonian
           Coastal Ranges (NE Spain)
Authors:   Ubide, T., Galé, C., Larrea, P., Arranz, E.
           and Lago, M.
Reference: Lithos, 206-207, 214-233, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?q87o6h

* 11. Instruments and techniques *

Title:     Intercomparison of SO2 camera systems for imaging
           volcanic gas plumes
Authors:   Kern, C., Lübcke, P., Bobrowski, N., Campion,
           R., Mori, T., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, In
           Press, 1-15, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ehqsyg

Title:     Advances in Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
           of natural glasses: From sample preparation to data
Authors:   von Aulock, F.W., Kennedy, B.M., Schipper, C.I.,
           Castro, J.M., Martin, D., et al.
Reference: Lithos, 206-207, 52–64, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?w3w61n

* 12. Intra-plate volcanism *

Title:     Volcanic stratigraphy of the Quaternary La Garrotxa
           Volcanic Field (north-east Iberian Peninsula)
Authors:   Bolos, X., Planaguma, L. and Marti, J.
Reference: Journal of Quaternary Science, 29(6), 547-560, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?2o8a4p

* 13. Lava rheology and morphology *

Title:     Lithofacies analysis of basic lava flows of the
           Paraná igneous province in the south hinge of Torres
           Syncline, Southern Brazil
Authors:   Barreto, C. J. S., de Lima. E. F., Scherer, C. M.
           and Rossetti, L. d. M. M.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 285,
           81-99, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?552hds

Title:     The role of crystallinity and viscosity in the
           formation of submarine lava flow morphology
Authors:   McClinton, J. T., White, S. M., Colman, A., Rubin,
           K. H. and Sinton, J. M.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 76(9), Art. No. 854, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?wz8vg7

* 14. Magma migration and fragmentation *

Title:     Cracking the lid: Sill-fed dikes are the likely
           feeders of flood basalt eruptions
Authors:   Muirhead, J.D., Airoldi, G., White, J.D.L. and
           Rowland, J.V.
Reference: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 406, 187-197,
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ivgu59

Title:     Evaluation of crystal mush extraction models to
           explain crystal-poor rhyolites
Author:    Streck, M. J.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 284,
           79-94, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?r1q7mg

* 15. Remote sensing of volcanoes *

Title:     Estimating the volcanic emission rate and
           atmospheric lifetime of SO2 from space: a case study for
           Kilauea volcano, Hawai`i
Authors:   Beirle, S., Hörmann, C., Penning de Vries, M.,
           Dörner, S., Kern, C., et al.
Reference: Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 8309-8322, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?wbpx4d

* 16. Subaqueous volcanism, hydrovolcanism *

Title:     Dyke-diatreme transition in monogenetic volcanoes:
           insights from the Hillier Bay volcanic complex, Western
Authors:   Brenna, M. and Gee, M. A. M.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 76(9), Art. No. 853, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?8m1r65

Title:     First hydroacoustic evidence of marine, active fluid
           vents in the Naples Bay continental shelf (Southern
Authors:   Passaro, S., Genovese, S., Sacchi, M., Barra, M.,
           Rumolo, P., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 285,
           29-35, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?d6usa6

* 17. Subduction zone processes *

Title:     The role of magmatically driven lithospheric
           thickening on arc front migration
Authors:   Karlstrom, L, Lee, C-T A and Manga, M
Reference: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(6),
           2655–2675, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?iznqeh

* 18. Thermodynamics *

Title:     Heat capacity, configurational heat capacity and
           fragility of hydrous magmas
Authors:   Di Genova, D., Romano, C., Giordano, D. and Alletti,
Reference: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 142, 314-333, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?48uug4

* 19. Volcanic gases *

Title:     The degassing character of a young volcanic center:
           Cerro Negro, Nicaragua
Authors:   Lucic, G., Stix, J., Sherwood Lollar, B.,
           Lacrampe-Couloume, G., Munoz, A., et al.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 76(9), Art. No. 850, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?r95x31

Title:     Multi-scale observations of the variability of
           magmatic CO2 emissions, Mammoth Mountain, CA, USA
Authors:   Lewicki, J.L. and Hilley, G.E.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 284,
           1-15, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?s6s7iv

* 20. Volcanic hazards and risks *

Title:     Risk reduction through community-based monitoring:
           the vigías of Tungurahua, Ecuador
Authors:   Stone, J., Barclay, J., Simmons, P., Cole, P.D.,
           Loughlin, S.C., et al.
Reference: Journal of Applied Volcanology, 3(2), 11, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?b36km1

Title:     An analysis of the issuance of volcanic alert levels
           during volcanic crises
Authors:   Winson, A.E.G., Costa, F., Newhall, C.G. and Woo, G.
Reference: Journal of Applied Volcanology, 3(1), 14, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?gclgtt

Title:     Volcanic ashfall preparedness poster series: a
           collaborative process for reducing the vulnerability of
           critical infrastructure
Authors:   Wilson, T.M., Stewart, C., Wardman, J.B., Wilson,
           G., Johnston, D.M., et al.
Reference: Journal of Applied Volcanology, 3(1), 10, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?qfk9o9

Title:     Santorini unrest 2011–2012: an immediate Bayesian
           belief network analysis of eruption scenario
           probabilities for urgent decision support under
Authors:   Aspinall, W.P. and Woo, G.
Reference: Journal of Applied Volcanology, 3(1), 12, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ti6sct

Title:     Volcanic hazard on Deception Island (South Shetland
           Islands, Antarctica)
Authors:   Bartolini, S., Geyer, A., Martí, J.,
           Pedrazzi, D. and Aguirre-Díaz, G.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 285,
           150-168, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?tyikhb

* 21. Volcano seismology *

Title:     Multiple timescales of cyclical behaviour observed
           at two dome-forming eruptions
Authors:   Lamb, O. D., Varley, N. R., Mather, T. A., Pyle, D.
           M., Smith, P. J., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 284,
           106-121, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?3aomh8

Title:     Varying seismic-acoustic properties of the
           fluctuating lava lake at Villarrica volcano, Chile
Authors:   Richardson, J. P., Waite, G. P. and Palma, J. L.
Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,
           119(7), 2014JB011002, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?gi2aem

Title:     Analysis of the 2009 earthquake swarm near Sunset
           Crater volcano, Arizona
Authors:   Brumbaugh, D.S., Hodge, B.E., Linville, L. and
           Cohen, A.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 285,
           18-28, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?or56nn

Title:     Asymmetric caldera-related structures in the area of
           the Avacha group of volcanoes in Kamchatka as revealed
           by ambient noise tomography and deep seismic sounding
Authors:   Koulakov, I., Jaxybulatov, K., Shapiro, N. M.,
           Abkadyrov, I., Deev, E., et al.
Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 285,
           36-46, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ysbemw

* 22. Volcano/climate interactions *

Title:     Emplacement characteristics, time scales, and
           volcanic gas release rates of continental flood basalt
           eruptions on Earth
Authors:   Self, S., Schmidt, A. and Mather, T.A.
Reference: Geological Society of America Special Papers, 505,
           p. SPE505-16, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?v3it6r

* 23. Volcanoclastic deposits *

Title:     Alteration of volcaniclastic deposits at Minna
           Bluff: Geochemical insights on mineralizing conditions
           and climate during the Late Miocene in Antarctica
Authors:   Antibus, J.V., Panter, K.S, Wilch, T.I., Dunbar, N.,
           McIntosh, W., et al.
Reference: Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 15(1), 1-23, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?oo996l

Title:     Pyroclastic flow erosion and bulking processes:
           comparing field-based vs. modeling results at Tungurahua
           volcano, Ecuador
Authors:   Bernard, J., Kelfoun, K., Le Pennec, J.-L. and
           Vallejo Vargas, S.
Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 76(9), Art. No. 858, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?snkwzl

* 24. Volcanoes and mankind *

Title:     Uncertainty and decision making: Volcanic crisis
Authors:   Doyle, E.E.H., McClure, J., Paton, D. and Johnston,
Reference: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction,
           10(A), 75-101, 2014
View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?jbmpan


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