The Novarupta-Katmai Eruption of 1912 Book Awarded 2014 AESE Outstanding Publication
I’m pleased to inform you that the book, The Novarupta-Katmai Eruption of 1912, has won the 2014 AESE (Association of Earth Science Editors) Award for Outstanding Publication, announced at the Annual Meeting that was held in Lexington, Kentucky (USA), just this past week. We’ll be announcing it soon on the AESE website and on Twitter and Facebook.
-Deborah DeChurch, Senior Editor, AESE
Reviewers’ comments:
“What's not to love about this book? Such a wonderful compilation and synthesis of the research results of studying the deposits of this massive volcanic explosion and putting it into context of the cultural history, eyewitness accounts, state of the world affairs, scientific achievements, and geographic context. The first four chapters make for engaging and gripping reading that both layperson and scientist alike would enjoy.”
“An expansive, well-researched book. Astounding turnaround time for a piece this size.”
Reference: Hildreth, Wes, and Fierstein, Judy, 2012, The Novarupta-Katmai Eruption of 1912—Largest Eruption of the Twentieth Century: Centennial Perspectives: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1791, 259 p.
(USGS Editor: Peter Stauffer; Layout and design: Judy Weathers)
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