NEMOH newsletter issue n. 4
From: Alessandro Fornaciai <alessandro.fornaciai@xxxxxxx>NEMOH newsletter issue n. 4
NEMOH newsletter issue n. 4
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Inside this issue:
- NEMOH School in Iceland: “Volcano Deformation and Magmatic Processes”
- NEMOH School in Dublin: “Inverse methods in geophysics and volcanology”
- Under the ice…
- NEMOH at EGU 2014
- Johannes Thun shared his experience within a new ITN
- In evidence: Bárdarbunga eruption
Authors: Hannah Reynolds, Werner Wittman, Johannes Thun, Karen Strehlow, Cristian Montanaro, Léna Cauchie and Samantha Engwell
NEMOH is an FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network for the next generation of European volcanologists. Visit our web site for additional information (http://www.nemoh-itn.eu).
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - http://www.iavcei.org/
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