Collapse Calderas Workshop & Course Registration Deadline June 30
The deadline for Registration for the Workshop, Course, or for both is 30 JUNE 2014. Registrations should be sent to Trudy Stuart at the following email address: t.stuart@xxxxxxxxxx. The Registration Form is on the website (
Accommodation needs to be arranged separately – please see the website for details.
Workshop Information
The organisers have now received 55 Abstracts for the Workshop (35 oral; 20 poster), which are currently being reviewed by members of the Scientific Advisory Committee, and scheduled within the themes. The largest group of Abstracts is in Theme 1 (Physical Setting and Volcanology – including volcano-tectonic setting, formation, structure, deposits, eruption processes and subsidence) and will be divided into 3 sub-Themes: 1. Structure & Processes (both large and small scale); 2. Deposits; 3. Taupo Volcanic Zone. This will occupy the whole of the first day of papers in the Workshop. Potential contributors include: Shan de Silva, Darren Gravley, Tetsuo Kobayashi, Nobuo Geshi, Karoly Nemeth and Steve Self. Themes 2 (Magma Processes - including anatomy of plutonic-magma systems and plutonic/volcanic relationships), 3 (Resources related to calderas – including geothermal activity, mineralisation, water and environmental issues) and 4 (Unrest – including timescales of caldera formation, monitoring techniques, the effects of eruptions on infrastructure) on the second day. Potential contributors to Theme 2 include Peter Lipman, Margaret Mangan, and Phil Shane; to Theme 3 include Ted Bertrand, Isabelle Chambefort and Jim Cole, and to Theme 4 include Riccardo Di Lorenzo, Nico Fournier, Sally Potter and Tom Wilson.
Course Information
The Course will consist of 2 days of theoretical lessons and 1 day of field trip, providing an overview of calderas in the Taupo Volcanic Zone. This field trip will be combined with one for the accompanying Workshop. The main objective of the Course is to offer the students introductory modules on the four themes of the following Workshop (physical setting and volcanology of calderas; magma processes; caldera resources; caldera unrest).
Field Trips
Sunday 7 December - Field Trip 1 (combined Workshop & Course): Calderas of the Taupo Volcanic Zone (Leaders: Darren Gravley & Jim Cole)
This will be an overview of caldera structures in central TVZ, including the relationship between volcanism and magmatism and volcanism and tectonics; evidence for ‘flare-ups’ (particular periods of intense ignimbrite eruptions and accompanying caldera collapse), and geothermal activity associated with calderas.
Wednesday 10 December - Field Trip 2 (Workshop only) Taupo Volcano (Leaders: Geoff Kilgour; Mike Rosenberg; Nico Fournier)
This will be an overview of Taupo Volcano, including evidence for the structure of the area; its volcanic history (with a detailed study of the 233AD Taupo eruption, including post eruption sedimentation); styles of eruption; deposits; geochemical variation within the Taupo magmatic system; relationship with extensional tectonics of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, and an overview of volcano monitoring of Taupo Volcano.
Thursday 11 December - Field Trip 3 (Workshop only) Northern TVZ calderas; aspects of hazards and geothermal systems (Leaders: Brad Scott; Brian Carey)
This trip will emphasise our understanding of the potential hazards associated with calderas of northern TVZ (Rotorua, Okataina and Reporoa), using examples from recent eruptive and earthquake events, but also the secondary aspects of caldera systems - geothermal systems. Geothermal systems are important to New Zealand for a variety of reasons, including its cultural history, tourism and energy use. The trip will include a visit to Rotorua city and a geothermal field in central TVZ.
All trips will be full day bus trips, to and from the Course/Workshop venue in Taupo, with comparatively little walking.
Further Information
Full information about the Workshop and accompanying Course is available from the Commission on Collapse Calderas website ( – Note: If your computer automatically inserts ‘www’ into the web address, it may be necessary to type the address into your browser.
If you need additional information about the Workshop or Course, please contact: jim.cole@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Professor of Geology
Department of Geological Sciences
University of Canterbury
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New Zealand
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