Request for peralkaline obsidian samples
From: Alan Smith <alsmith@xxxxxxxxx>
Drs Alan Smith and Erik Melchiorre of the Department of Geological Sciences at California State University San Bernardino are in the process of developing calibration curves to analyze natural and artificial glasses using Niton Hand-held XRF units, with the objective of obtaining in situ chemical analyses of obsidians, archeological artifacts etc. At present we have no samples of peralkaline obsidians and would like to request samples to fill this gap. What we would need would be two domino size billets of the obsidian plus a copy of the analysis of that sample. If the sample has not been analyzed then a larger sample would be appreciated so we can have it analyzed by standard procedures ourselves.
The samples could be sent to: Dr. Alan Smith, Department of Geological Sciences, California State University, San Bernardino, CA 92346 USA.
Thanks for your help
Alan Smith
Request for peralkaline obsidian samples
From: Alan Smith <alsmith@xxxxxxxxx>
Drs Alan Smith and Erik Melchiorre of the Department of Geological Sciences at California State University San Bernardino are in the process of developing calibration curves to analyze natural and artificial glasses using Niton Hand-held XRF units, with the objective of obtaining in situ chemical analyses of obsidians, archeological artifacts etc. At present we have no samples of peralkaline obsidians and would like to request samples to fill this gap. What we would need would be two domino size billets of the obsidian plus a copy of the analysis of that sample. If the sample has not been analyzed then a larger sample would be appreciated so we can have it analyzed by standard procedures ourselves.
The samples could be sent to: Dr. Alan Smith, Department of Geological Sciences, California State University, San Bernardino, CA 92346 USA.
Thanks for your help
Alan Smith
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