CoV7 Remote Sensing session announcement
From: Simon Carn <scarn@xxxxxxx>
Dear all,
We would like to promote the following remote sensing session at the upcoming Cities on Volcanoes 7 conference, in Colima, Mexico from 19-23 November 2012.
Session 1.3: Volcanic Surveillance by Remote Sensing
Remote sensing from the ground, air or space is a crucial tool for surveillance of volcanoes at all levels of activity from quiescent to erupting. The period since the late 1990s has been incredibly fruitful for applications of satellite remote sensing in volcanology, due in large part to the availability of a wealth of data from NASA´s three Earth Observing System (EOS) platforms, Terra, Aqua and Aura. Improved methods for data processing, better retrieval algorithms and the synergistic use of EO data has led to new insights into volcanic processes. Ground-based remote sensing techniques have seen concurrent advances, such as the emergence of miniature ultraviolet (UV) spectrometers, infrared and UV imaging cameras for volcanic gas measurements. Active instruments (lidar and radar) for sensing volcanic plumes are also being increasingly used. We solicit contributions on any application of ground-based, airborne or satellite remote sensing data to volcano monitoring, with a p
articular emphasis on new technologies, new data processing techniques, retrieval algorithms and measurement synergies. As we approach the end of the EOS era, we also welcome contributions on the potential use of recently launched or future space-based sensors for volcano surveillance.
Simon Carn (Michigan Tech, USA)
Ignacio Galindo (Univ. de Colima, Mexico)
Fred Prata (NILU, Norway)
We also highlight a related pre-meeting workshop that may be of interest:
Workshop W2: Volcano Monitoring Techniques
Sat. 17 November 2012
Cost: US$50 for salaried participants & US$25 for students including lunch and materials.
50 people
The variety of volcano monitoring techniques continues to expand at a great rate. In the search for precursors, the more traditional areas of seismicity, geodesy and geochemistry are now complemented by studies of acoustic or thermal emission, for example, and we are starting to understand the significance of many other detectable geophysical signals. We have seen a move to more remote techniques, which allow a wider coverage and a decreased risk for the volcanologist. The applications for satellite data is increasing dramatically. Much more attention is being placed on the accuracy of gas flux measurements and more advanced data analysis techniques are enabling more complex models of sub-surface processes to be produced based on seismic data.
This workshop will provide a glimpse of the state-of-the-art of the most important areas of volcano monitoring. The day will be divided into the following themes with specialists presenting the theory and practise of each one. We hope to attract graduate students and observatory staff who require some refreshment of what data is available, how it can be obtained and then integrated into models of volcano behaviour.
Registration and abstract submission for the meeting is now open at, with early bird registration closing on July 15. The final deadline for abstract submission and registration is July 31.
Best regards,
[ simon carn | associate professor ]
[ dept geo min eng sci | mtu ]
[ 1400 townsend drive | houghton | mi 49931 | usa ]
[ 906-487-1756 | 906-487-3371 (fax) ]
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