AGU Session on Collapse Calderas V006
From: Adelina Geyer Traver <ageyertraver@xxxxxxxxx>
Fall AGU Meeting 2012, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 Dec 2012.
Dear colleagues,
We want to invite you to submit an abstract to the following AGU 212 session:
V006: Calderas II: Collapse Dynamics, Unrest and Resources – Understanding Caldera Structure and Development
calderas are associated with the most catastrophic volcanic events that
have occurred on Earth. Nevertheless, many aspects of their development
remain unclear. Understanding the structure and development of calderas
is crucial for predicting their behaviour during periods of unrest and
to plan geothermal and ore exploration. This session will address the
principal processes accompanying the development of caldera collapse,
including: regional tectonic and magmatic context; conditions for
caldera formation, evolution and unrest; potential evolution into an
eruption; field evidence for syn-eruptive changes in eruption dynamics
and vent geometry; and the role of calderas and their associated
structures as sources of geothermal energy and metallic ore deposits.
Adelina Geyer (Institute of Earth Science Jaume Almera, CSIC)
Valerio Acocella (University "Roma Tre")
Peter Lipman (USGS)
Joan Marti (Institute of Earth Science Jaume Almera, CSIC)
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