Noble Gas Session - Goldschmidt, 2012
From: David Hilton <drhilton@xxxxxxxx>
Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite your contributions to the session 'Advances in Noble Gas Research' to be convened at the upcoming Goldschmidt Conference, held 24-29 June in Montreal, Canada.
17k. Advances in Noble Gas Research
(Theme 17, Frontiers in Analytical Techniques)
David Hilton (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) - drhilton
Bernard Marty (CRPG-Nancy, France), bmarty
Yuji Sano (Tokyo University, Japan), ysano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Session description:
Noble gases have had an enormous impact in the Earth and Planetary Sciences. Applications include formation of planets, outgassing of atmospheres, mantle and crustal evolution, climate variations, landscape development, ocean circulation and geochronology. The continuing success of the noble gases is predicated on innovative approaches involved in their detection, collection, extraction, preparation and measurement, and their application to both contemporary and new research themes. This session is a celebration of all things noble gas, with a focus on novel aspects of noble gas research leading to new and unique datasets that challenge our understanding of both the behavior of noble gases in nature and the natural systems which influence their distribution in time and space. We solicit contributions on a wide variety of topics associated with noble gases which include, but are not limited to, new experimental approaches to sample treatment and noble gas extraction, innovative measurement techniques, unusual datasets including temporal records, new modeling advances, re-interpretation of existing noble gas records. Given the wide-ranging applicability of noble gases, we hope to see new data exploiting basalts, xenoliths, minerals, groundwaters, natural gases, meteorites, IDPs, stardust, and a host of other materials amenable to the noble gas approach.
Abstracts are due by 1 February, 2012. To submit an abstract, follow the link below:
All the best and we look forward to seeing you in Montreal,
David, Bernard and Yuji
We would like to invite your contributions to the session 'Advances in Noble Gas Research' to be convened at the upcoming Goldschmidt Conference, held 24-29 June in Montreal, Canada.
17k. Advances in Noble Gas Research
(Theme 17, Frontiers in Analytical Techniques)
David Hilton (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) - drhilton
Bernard Marty (CRPG-Nancy, France), bmarty
Yuji Sano (Tokyo University, Japan), ysano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Session description:
Noble gases have had an enormous impact in the Earth and Planetary Sciences. Applications include formation of planets, outgassing of atmospheres, mantle and crustal evolution, climate variations, landscape development, ocean circulation and geochronology. The continuing success of the noble gases is predicated on innovative approaches involved in their detection, collection, extraction, preparation and measurement, and their application to both contemporary and new research themes. This session is a celebration of all things noble gas, with a focus on novel aspects of noble gas research leading to new and unique datasets that challenge our understanding of both the behavior of noble gases in nature and the natural systems which influence their distribution in time and space. We solicit contributions on a wide variety of topics associated with noble gases which include, but are not limited to, new experimental approaches to sample treatment and noble gas extraction, innovative measurement techniques, unusual datasets including temporal records, new modeling advances, re-interpretation of existing noble gas records. Given the wide-ranging applicability of noble gases, we hope to see new data exploiting basalts, xenoliths, minerals, groundwaters, natural gases, meteorites, IDPs, stardust, and a host of other materials amenable to the noble gas approach.
Abstracts are due by 1 February, 2012. To submit an abstract, follow the link below:
All the best and we look forward to seeing you in Montreal,
David, Bernard and Yuji
David R. Hilton
Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
University California San Diego,
9500 Gilman Drive,
La Jolla,
California 92093-0244
Phone: 1 858 822 0639 (office); 822 0716 (lab)
Fax: 1 858 822 3310
Skype: drhilton858
Lab webpage:
David R. Hilton,
Vaughan Hall 325
8675 Discovery Way
Scripps Inst. Oceanography
La Jolla, CA 92037
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