VOLCANO: International Scientific Conference on Integrated Approaches for Volcanic Risk Management

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International Scientific Conference on Integrated Approaches for Volcanic Risk Management
From: Vagner Amelie <a.vagner@xxxxxxx>

International Scientific Conference on Integrated Approaches for Volcanic Risk Management

REMINDER - deadline for abstract submission : 1 June 2012.

Following UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction recommendations and starting from shared existing knowledge and practices, the MIAVITA project is organizing a conference aiming at presenting innovative tools and integrated cost effective methodologies to mitigate risks from various hazards on active volcanoes (prevention, crisis management and recovery).
The conference will be held on 11-12 September 2012 at Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany
DOWNLOAD FLYER (http://miavita.brgm.fr/Documents/VolcRiskMgt-conf.pdf
The focus is particularly put on integrated tools. This concerns interdisciplinary integration between different domains (e.g. inputs of social approaches in risk mapping methodologies) but also integration between the three different phases of risk management (e.g. Information System designed to be used both for risk mapping and crisis management).

Target Group
• Scientists of any discipline dealing with volcanic hazards, risk assessment and mitigation strategies.
• Government officers, civil engineers and other non-academics interested in learning about the state-of-the-art in research about volcanic risk management and eager to share their experiences.
• Graduate and post-graduate students studying geology and volcanology, geography, civil engineering, agriculture and social sciences or any other science related to natural hazard mitigation.

Paper and Poster Contributions
We encourage contributions that use interdisciplinary and participatory research approaches and that report on innovation development and impact. Of special interest are contributions reporting on the experience of development and implementing of new methodologies and tools. The conference will be structured along the following themes:
• Hazard and risk mapping methodologies
• Monitoring methods
• Vulnerability and resilience of human communities and activities
• Environmental vulnerability and post-eruptive recovery
• Information management and decision support
• Management of volcanic crisis

The conference is organized by MIAVITA project partners at Hohenheim University, located in the south of Stuttgart, Germany. The origins of Hohenheim University are directly linked to the global consequences of volcanic eruptions.
Hohenheim was established in 1818 as an agricultural academy to foster food security after the "year without summer" in 1816 caused by the devastating eruption of Tambora. Today, it is one of the Europe’s leading universities in agricultural science.
Participants must register online until 1 July 2012.
Authors of accepted contributions who do not register until that date will not appear in the program. The registration fee for participants paying before 1 April 2012 is 100€, after that the fee is 120€. All payments must be received before 1 July 2012.
Information and registration here: https://miavita2012.uni-hohenheim.de/

The MIAVITA project is financed by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, Area “Environment”, Activity 6.1 “Climate Change, Pollution and Risks"

Any Questions? Please contact: miavita2012@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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