EC-funded VUELCO project
From: Jo Gottsmann <j.gottsmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear colleagues:
Allow me to introduce VUELCO, a project financed by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, Area “Environment”, Activity 6.1 “Climate Change, Pollution and Risks".
VUELCO: Volcanic unrest in Europe and Latin America: Phenomenology, eruption precursors, hazard forecast, and risk mitigation
The prime objective of VUELCO is to significantly improve our understanding of the processes behind volcanic unrest and the ability to forecast its outcome aiding decision-making and management in an unrest situation. VUELCO intends to tackle these issues via an international multi-disciplinary consortium, combining fundamental research into causes and effects of volcanic unrest with uncertainty assessment and probabilistic forecasting to improve communication, decision-making and management during volcanic unrest.
Detailed information on this international consortium, objectives, activities and the first newsletter for download can be found on our website at
You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter by following the respective links from the index page.
On behalf of the VUELCO consortium with best wishes
Jo Gottsmann
Project co-ordinator
Dr. J. Gottsmann
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol
United Kingdom
office: +441179545422
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