Postdoctoral Opportunities at the Smithsonian
From: "Cottrell, Elizabeth" <cottrelle@xxxxxx>
Two Positions: Postdoctoral Fellow / Visiting Scientist in Volcanology-Petrology-
Geochemistry, and Volcanic Gas Emissions Data Science Postdoc*, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
We invite applications for two positions: a postdoctoral fellowship / visiting senior scientist position in the broad field of volcanology and a postdoc to work in the field of volcanic gas emissions data science*. Both positions are in the Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution and are sponsored by the Global Volcanism Program* (
Fellow and/or Senior Scientist: Competitive candidates will address problems in volcanology important on a global scale and/or volcanic systematics on regional/global scales from geochemical, petrological and/or physical volcanological perspectives. The department is home to the National Rock and Ore Collections as well as extensive preparatory and analytical equipment including experimental petrology labs, EMPA, FEG SEM, FTIR, XRD, cathodoluminescence, and wet chemistry ( To apply, please email a project proposal (5 page maximum including all figures, tables, and references), CV, dates of proposed tenure, and names of at least two references familiar with your work to Elizabeth Cottrell (cottrelle@xxxxxx). The position is for one year and renewable (for postdocs, not senior scientists) for a second year pending progress. The stipend is $53,000/yr + $3,000 for health insurance. Research funds are not directly allocated for this po
sition. There are, however, no fees for use of Smithsonian analytical facilities. Drs. Cottrell and Andrews will cover expenses that arise during collaborative research. This is an annual, running, competition; however, we anticipate making our next award decision in September/October of 2012. If you have applied previously, we still have your application under consideration but would appreciate an email to let us know your current availability.
Postdoc in Volcanic Gas Emissions Data Science. DECADE is an initiative "to dramatically improve (to within a factor of 2 uncertainly) current estimates of global (mainly CO2) emissions associated with subaerial volcanism and active lithospheric regions." (See project goals statement below.) The Deep Carbon Observatory (Sloan Foundation) has partnered with the Global Volcanism Program to create a two year postdoctoral position to (1) create a database of existing emissions data (2) work with partners internationally (Kerstin Lehnert at EarthChem at Columbia University, New York City, Giovanni Chiodini and a database researcher at the INGV in Italy, Peter Fox (RPI) who is coordinating the cyber infrastructure of the DCO, and the Global Volcanism Program) to make sure that the databases are interoperable and (3) - most importantly – to use this new resource to do transformational and synthetic science. The postdoc would also be welcome to be creative in l
everaging their own research expertise and interests in this position. The postdoc would spend most of their time in Washington DC, but ~ 4 months in Italy and ~ 1 month in New York. To apply, please email a project proposal that specifically addresses the creation and application of a volcanic emissions database (5 page maximum including all figures, tables, and references), CV, date you are available to begin, and names of at least two references familiar with your work to Elizabeth Cottrell (CottrellE@xxxxxx). The position is for two years at a stipend of $53,000/yr + $3,000/yr for health insurance. Applications for this position will be accepted until July 31st and the candidate must be available to start no later than January, 2013.
For further information, contact Elizabeth Cottrell or Benjamin Andrews. The Smithsonian Institution is an equal opportunity employer.
*This position is co-sponsored by DECADE, a project funded by the Deep Carbon Observatory, Reservoirs and Fluxes Directorate ( DECASE Goals: Our primary and short-term objective is to dramatically improve (to within a factor of 2 uncertainly) current estimates of global carbon (mainly CO2) emissions associated with subaerial volcanism and active lithospheric regions. Our long-term objective is to establish a platform and infrastructure for research on active volcanoes world-wide. For that, we plan to set up a global volcanic gas monitoring network, on-par with the global seismographic network (IRIS). Data from permanent instruments will continuously be telemetered to near-by observatories and a data processing center, and will be made accessible to researchers and the public in near real-time. Continuous monitoring will be complemented by intermittent ground-based and airborne flux measurements of volcano-tec
tonic carbon emissions at regional scales. The data on carbon degassing obtained during the project as well as literature data will be made accessible via a new data base (Carbon degassing - CARD) which will be intimately linked with GVP and EarthChem.
We invite applications for two positions: a postdoctoral fellowship / visiting senior scientist position in the broad field of volcanology and a postdoc to work in the field of volcanic gas emissions data science*. Both positions are in the Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution and are sponsored by the Global Volcanism Program* (
Fellow and/or Senior Scientist: Competitive candidates will address problems in volcanology important on a global scale and/or volcanic systematics on regional/global scales from geochemical, petrological and/or physical volcanological perspectives. The department is home to the National Rock and Ore Collections as well as extensive preparatory and analytical equipment including experimental petrology labs, EMPA, FEG SEM, FTIR, XRD, cathodoluminescence, and wet chemistry ( To apply, please email a project proposal (5 page maximum including all figures, tables, and references), CV, dates of proposed tenure, and names of at least two references familiar with your work to Elizabeth Cottrell (cottrelle@xxxxxx). The position is for one year and renewable (for postdocs, not senior scientists) for a second year pending progress. The stipend is $53,000/yr + $3,000 for health insurance. Research funds are not directly allocated for this po
sition. There are, however, no fees for use of Smithsonian analytical facilities. Drs. Cottrell and Andrews will cover expenses that arise during collaborative research. This is an annual, running, competition; however, we anticipate making our next award decision in September/October of 2012. If you have applied previously, we still have your application under consideration but would appreciate an email to let us know your current availability.
Postdoc in Volcanic Gas Emissions Data Science. DECADE is an initiative "to dramatically improve (to within a factor of 2 uncertainly) current estimates of global (mainly CO2) emissions associated with subaerial volcanism and active lithospheric regions." (See project goals statement below.) The Deep Carbon Observatory (Sloan Foundation) has partnered with the Global Volcanism Program to create a two year postdoctoral position to (1) create a database of existing emissions data (2) work with partners internationally (Kerstin Lehnert at EarthChem at Columbia University, New York City, Giovanni Chiodini and a database researcher at the INGV in Italy, Peter Fox (RPI) who is coordinating the cyber infrastructure of the DCO, and the Global Volcanism Program) to make sure that the databases are interoperable and (3) - most importantly – to use this new resource to do transformational and synthetic science. The postdoc would also be welcome to be creative in l
everaging their own research expertise and interests in this position. The postdoc would spend most of their time in Washington DC, but ~ 4 months in Italy and ~ 1 month in New York. To apply, please email a project proposal that specifically addresses the creation and application of a volcanic emissions database (5 page maximum including all figures, tables, and references), CV, date you are available to begin, and names of at least two references familiar with your work to Elizabeth Cottrell (CottrellE@xxxxxx). The position is for two years at a stipend of $53,000/yr + $3,000/yr for health insurance. Applications for this position will be accepted until July 31st and the candidate must be available to start no later than January, 2013.
For further information, contact Elizabeth Cottrell or Benjamin Andrews. The Smithsonian Institution is an equal opportunity employer.
*This position is co-sponsored by DECADE, a project funded by the Deep Carbon Observatory, Reservoirs and Fluxes Directorate ( DECASE Goals: Our primary and short-term objective is to dramatically improve (to within a factor of 2 uncertainly) current estimates of global carbon (mainly CO2) emissions associated with subaerial volcanism and active lithospheric regions. Our long-term objective is to establish a platform and infrastructure for research on active volcanoes world-wide. For that, we plan to set up a global volcanic gas monitoring network, on-par with the global seismographic network (IRIS). Data from permanent instruments will continuously be telemetered to near-by observatories and a data processing center, and will be made accessible to researchers and the public in near real-time. Continuous monitoring will be complemented by intermittent ground-based and airborne flux measurements of volcano-tec
tonic carbon emissions at regional scales. The data on carbon degassing obtained during the project as well as literature data will be made accessible via a new data base (Carbon degassing - CARD) which will be intimately linked with GVP and EarthChem.
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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