John Guest obituary
From: Ellen Stofan <estofan@xxxxxxxxx>
Hi- Along with several others, we have written a quick obituary for
John Guest, who died over the weekend. We would appreciate this being
posted, so that the community can learn of John's passing. We hope to
organize a more formal tribute at some future date.
John Guest (1938-2012) was
a pioneer in planetary geologic mapping, contributing to the first geologic map
of Mercury, as well as the first comprehensive map of the eastern equatorial
region of Mars with Ron Greeley. He participated in the Mariner 10 and Viking
missions, as well as the Magellan mission to Venus. Along with Ron, he helped
to select the Viking 2 landing site. Primarily though, John was a
volcanologist, happiest when he was in the field, especially at Mt. Etna. John
did his PhD work at University College London, mapping volcanic fields in
Chile, including the Chao Dacite and the Upper Tertiary ignimbrites in
Antofagasta Province. He then went to the University of London
Observatory to work with Gilbert Fielder on lunar craters, quickly realizing
that craters on the Moon are not volcanic, but impact, starting his long
interest in planetary science. He founded the NASA Regional Planetary Image
Facility at University College London, and taught many students there,
including Rosaly Lopes, Chris Kilburn and Ben Bussey. John led the UK
contribution to the Carta Geologica del
Monte Etna (Progetto Finaizzato Geodinamica, 1979). He wrote several books
on Italian volcanoes with Dave Chester, Paul Cole, Angus Duncan and Chris
Kilburn including the seminal work on Mt. Etna. He made a significant
contribution to the study of the geology of Furnas volcano and established
close links with the University of the Azores.
His work on Mars, Mercury, the Moon and Venus, as well as his very
extensive work on terrestrial volcanology, leave a rich legacy. He had a
particular talent for being able to interpret geology from surface morphology -
whether in the field, from aerial photographs or planetary images. He was much
loved by his collaborators and students for his kind and generous spirit, and
his sense of humor, which included terrifying his students with tales of hairy
lava tube rats. He was awarded the GSA G.K. Gilbert award in 1991; that same
year the asteroid
1982 HL was named Guest by the International Astronomical Union
Nomenclature Committee. He is survived by his wife Mary and sons
James and Ben.
Prepared by Ellen Stofan, Angus Duncan, Rosaly
Lopes and Chris Kilburn.
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