new GEOSPHERE special theme issue on the Snake River Plain and Yellowstone
From: Graham Andrews <gandrews@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Apologies for multiple postings.
Please consider submitting a paper to our new GEOSPHERE special theme issue "Cenozoic Tectonics, Magmatism and Volcanic Stratigraphy of the Snake River Plain–Yellowstone Region (SRP–Y) and Adjacent Areas"
We are soliciting papers for a Geosphere themed issue focused on the Cenozoic evolution of the Snake River Plain–Yellowstone (SRP–Y) region in southern Idaho and adjacent parts of Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming. The SRP–Y volcanic province records ~16 Ma of continental intraplate magmatism associated with the passage of North America over the Yellowstone hot-spot. It has become a crucial natural laboratory for studies of the intraplate magmatism, supervolcanism, and caldera development, and is a “classic” piece of geological Americana. We encourage papers covering all aspects of the Cenozoic evolution of the Snake River Plain and Yellowstone region and surrounding areas, and not just those related to igneous petrogenesis and volcanology. We are particularly interested in papers that explore the co-evolution of volcanism, crustal extension, paleo-topography, and paleo-environments; Quaternary paleo-geography and the development of the Snake River drainage basin; and those that document new water and geothermal resource studies.
To submit a paper for this issue, please go to and be sure to note in your cover letter that this submission is for the “Cenozoic Tectonics, Magmatism and Volcanic Stratigraphy of the Snake River Plain–Yellowstone Region (SRP–Y) and Adjacent Areas” themed issue.
Geosphere is GSA's bimonthly electronic journal offering fast review and publication, featuring free color throughout and the option to have over-sized figures and/or videos, etc. Publication is free although a voluntary page contribution is appreciated. Geosphere's 2010 impact factor is 2.000.
Graham Andrews, gandrews1@xxxxxxxx
Matthew Brueseke, brueseke@xxxxxxxxxxx
Ben Ellis, ben.ellis@xxxxxxx
--- I will be moving to CSU Bakersfield in September 2012 ---
Dr. Graham D.M. Andrews
Researcher - Volcanology and Tectonics
Crustal Studies Group
Earth Research Institute
Webb 2022
University of California Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara
CA 93106
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