Job opportunity at University of Auckland
From: Phil Shane <pa.shane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Job opportunity in Geochemistry:
School of Environment, University of Auckland
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer - Geochemistry
Vacancy Number: 15049
We are seeking a candidate with expertise and experience in applying modern analytical geochemical techniques to our understanding of Earth processes. Candidates with research interests in one or more of the following areas are particularly welcome: crustal fluid interactions including applications to geothermal and/or economic geology areas, volcanic geology, petrology, biogeochemistry, paleoenvironmental reconstruction and paleoclimate research. The successful applicant will be expected to complement existing research across the School and University, and utilise analytical facilities and equipment in the Science and Engineering faculties, e.g. laser ablation ICP-MS.
Applicants must hold a PhD, possess a strong background in geochemistry, be willing to establish a portfolio of research-led undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, and supervise research students in analytical geochemistry. Also highly desirable would be evidence of an ability to attract research funding, publication in leading peer-reviewed journals, and enthusiasm to build research collaborations and engage with government and industry.
Further details may be obtained from Professor Glenn McGregor, Director of the School of Environment (g.mcgregor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) or by visiting the University's Job Opportunities web site:
Applications must include: a curriculum vitae; a statement outlining research and teaching interests, as well as how the candidate would contribute to the development of Earth Science activities in the School of Environment; and the names, affiliations and email addresses of three referees. Review of applications will commence 10 September 2012.
Applications close 6 September 2012.
Assoc Prof Phil Shane
Geology - School of Environment
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1010, NEW ZEALAND
ph 64-9-9237083
fax: 64-9-373 7435
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