VOLCANO: World Heritage project - call for images

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World Heritage project - call for images
From: Benjamin Van WYK de VRIES <B.Vanwyk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear all,

We are working on a comparative list of volcanoes for a World Heritage bid
for the Chaine des Puys and the Limagne fault, and are looking for images
of the following sites. Can anyone offer a nice image or two that we could
use in the proposal document?

These are the sites:

Parc national de Virunga (RDC)
- Macquarie Islands (Australia)
- Three parallel rivers of Yunnan (China)
- The Pitons (Saint Lucia)
- Lava tunnels of Jeju (South Korea)
- High tectonic site at Sardona (Switzerland)
- Gros Morne (Canada)
- Craters of the moon (USA)

If you are interested in this bid you can contact Cécile Olive, who is
coordinating the proposal at the 'Conseil Générale du Puy de Dôme'
(Regional Council fo the Puy de Dôme), and the webiste is

Please send/offer images directly to Cécile on: Cecile.OLIVE@xxxxxxx

Benjamin van Wyk de Vries
Professor of Volcanology
Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans
-Observatoire du Physique du Globe de Clermont
-Université Blaise Pascal CLERMONT II
Address: LMV -  5 rue Kessler - 63000 CLERMONT-FD
Tel: +33 473346763


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