Marie Curie Research Fellowship at INGV Rome in field and experimental volcanology.
From: Jacopo Taddeucci <jacopo.taddeucci@xxxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to advertise the following job opportunity in volcanology.
Marie Curie Research Fellowship at INGV Rome in field and experimental volcanology.
We seek a highly-motivated, post-graduate candidate for a two-years research project in volcanology in the frame of the FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network NEMOH: Numerical, Experimental and Stochastic Modelling of Volcanic Processes and Hazard: an Initial Training Network for the next generation of European Volcanologists (, to start in June 2012.
The goal of the project is to improve our knowledge of the dynamics of ejection and emplacement of basaltic pyroclasts from bomb to ash size via new observational techniques and laboratory experiments. Acquisition of multiparametric data from basaltic explosive activity will be performed at Stromboli, Etna, or other active volcanoes, through the use of synchronised high-speed and thermal camcorders and acoustic sensors. Data acquisition will focus on both the ejection (e.g., exit velocity, mass, temperature at the vent) and depositional (e.g., range and terminal fall velocity of bombs, individual and en-masse settling and aggregation of ash particles) parameters. Data elaboration through image and signal processing will serve as a base to design and implement simple laboratory experiments on the bursting of overpressured gas slugs and the settling of suspensions of air with variable volume concentration of volcanic ash.
The successful candidate will work for two years at the HP-HT Laboratory for Experimental Geophysics and Volcanology (HP-HT Lab of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia in Rome (Italy). The HP-HT Lab is a stimulating, active working environment with scientists from Europe and worldwide covering a broad range of Earth Science topics. It also hosts state-of-the-art experimental and analytical facilities as well as an analogue volcanology laboratory. Part of the research (from 2 to 7 months) will be performed at another of the 13 Institutions from 8 countries that form the NEMOH consortium (see the NEMOH website for further information).
Candidates must meet the following requisites: 1) any nationality, but not having resided or carried out their main activity (job, studies, …) in Italy for more than 1 year in the past 3 years; 2) within 4 years from the degree that in their country gives access to a PhD; 3) not having completed a PhD. Current PhD students can apply. For further information please see the website
Potential candidates should contact Jacopo Taddeucci (taddeucci@xxxxxxx) before 15/4/2012.
All the best,
Jacopo Taddeucci
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Dept. of Seismology and Tectonophysics
Via di Vigna Murata 605
00143 Rome, Italy
Tel. ++39-06-51-860-716
Frau Blucher!
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