Academic Position at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane AUSTRALIA: Clastic Sedimentology (Sedimentary Processes, Stratigraphy, Basin Analysis)
From: Scott Bryan <scott.bryan@xxxxxxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues,
A new academic post in Sedimentology within our School is now open for applications, and should be of interest to members of the Volcano List. Please feel free to forward this announcement, if you know of potentially interested candidates. Also note that this hire is a continuing position, and depending on track record, hiring can be either at Lecturer or Senior Lecturer level. Salary Range is: AUD $92,517 to $106,691 pa (LEVEL C).
Ongoing Senior Lecturer/Lecturer Position in Sedimentology
Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Australia)
Position: The successful candidate will combine academic experience and proven research ability with industry relevance and have research interests in classic sedimentology, stratigraphy, basin evolution, structure and processes. A willingness for industry collaboration and a sound knowledge of sediment-hosted resources would be advantageous. The position can begin mid-late 2011. The candidate will be expected to initiate and develop course materials where required, coordinate undergraduate subjects, deliver lectures, practicals and participate in field courses, and conduct research and development in the applicant’s area of expertise that will add to existing research strengths in sedimentary systems (basin evolution, hydrogeology, structure and processes). All academic staff are expected to excel in the classroom, seek external funding, and maintain an active research program resulting in publication in peer-reviewed national and international journals.
Background Information: Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is ranked within the top 10 universities in Australia based on research performance from 2003 to 2008, with Earth Sciences research rated as world standard. QUT is substantially increasing its research capacity and capability. As part of a 5-year institutional plan, QUT is currently building a $230 million Science and Technology Precinct due for completion in 2012. A further $30 million investment in 2011 is for the refurbishment of laboratory space at the Garden’s Point Campus. The Faculty of Science and Technology is one of the University’s most research-intensive faculties accounting for about 40% of QUT’s research income and outputs. With more than 500 postgraduate research students, the Faculty is also well-resourced to provide a raft of student support and provides a rich multidisciplinary research training environment. The Biogeoscience discipline offers innovative undergraduate and postgraduate courses with a multi–disciplinary approach to the study of the natural environment and the sustainable use of Earth´s natural resources. The Sedimentary Systems Research Group within Biogeosciences has a number of ongoing research initiatives with industry into basin evolution in rift and continental margin settings, basin hydrogeology and coal seam gas resource development.
Further Information and on-line application: https://qut.nga.net.au/cp/index.cfm?event=jobs.listJobs&jobListid=73e3bb51-1aa7-db29-2ea3-52af99b4f747
Position Contact and Title: David Gust, Portfolio Director +61 7 3138 2217; d.gust@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:d.gust@xxxxxxxxxx>; Scott Bryan, Senior Research Fellow, +61 7 3138 4827; scott.bryan@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:scott.bryan@xxxxxxxxxx>
Applications Close: June 14, 2011
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