Announcement of the 2012 Gregory G. Leptoukh Online Giovanni Workshop
From: "Acker, James G." <james.g.acker@xxxxxxxx>
2012 Gregory G. Leptoukh Online Giovanni Workshop
In September 2012, the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) will host an online workshop focused on the use of the pioneering data visualization and analysis tool, Giovanni.
The online workshop will be organized around four main themes:
- Earth system research utilizing Giovanni
- Giovanni applications (air quality, disaster management, environmental monitoring, etc.)
- Planned and desired augmentation of Giovanni
- Educational use of Giovanni
This workshop will primarily consist of online author-led presentations coupled with real-time discussions (chats) about these presentations. Presentations and chat logs will be available online for review and especially for participants who will not be able to participate in the live online sessions.
The workshop is named in honor of Dr. Gregory Leptoukh, guiding hand and guiding mind of Giovanni, who passed away suddenly on January 12, 2012.
For the purpose of planning and scheduling, please indicate your interest with an email message sent to Dr. James G. Acker (james.g.acker@xxxxxxxx).
Complete announcement:
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