US Geological Survey, Program Coordinator, Volcano Hazards Program Vacancy - Announcement Open: May 7 - June 11, 2012
From: Linda R Huey <lhuey@xxxxxxxx>
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) invites applications for the position of Program Coordinator, Volcano Hazards Program, in Reston, VA. This Program has both domestic and international responsibilities and works closely with Federal, State, local and private-sector partners to ensure that hazards information and warnings are understood and effectively integrated into response plans and hazard mitigation and crisis response actions. The Program Coordinator plans, develops, and implements all volcano hazards activities and provides scientific leadership and funding guidance for these activities, which include maintaining the U.S. volcano monitoring network system, conducting fundamental research into volcanic processes, issuing hazard assessments and warnings, and working with responsible emergency and land management partners, as well as other affected public and private-sector groups (e.g., civilian and military air route authorities) on crisis response and aircraft/airport ash hazard response plans. The Incumbent facilitates the collaboration of activities relating to volcano hazards and their effects across the Bureau, including coordination for implementation, reporting, and leveraging of both funding and expertise.
This is an interdisciplinary position that may be filled as either Geologist, GS-1350-15; Geophysicist, GS-1313-15; or Hydrologist, GS-1315-15. It is a full-time, permanent position and has a salary range of $123,758 to $155,500 commensurate with experience. The following announcement is open to all U.S. Citizens:
ATL-2012-0434. The following announcement is open to all U.S.Citizens that are current or former Federal employees: ATL-2012-0435. Announcements are open from May 7 to June 11, 2012. Details are available at: U.S. Citizenship is required. Contact: Office of Personnel 703-648-7296 or vgarcia@xxxxxxxx. The U.S. Geological Survey is an equal opportunity employer.
Linda Huey
Program Assistant
Volcano Hazards Program
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 904
Reston, VA 20192
Voice: 703-648-6712
Fax: 703-648-5483
email: lhuey@xxxxxxxx
Web site:
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