VOLCANO: PubVolc Digest - December 2011

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PubVolc Digest - December 2011
From: "MCINTOSH I.M." <i.m.mcintosh@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

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******** PubVolc: latest volcanology articles, Dec 2011 ********


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Categories (number of entries):

1. Ash, tephra and plumes (2)

2. Eruption mechanisms, flow emplacement (3)

3. Eruptive history (2)

4. Explosive volcanism (2)

5. Hydrothermal systems (2)

6. Igneous geochemistry (2)

7. Intra-plate volcanism (1)

8. Physics and chemistry of magma bodies (3)

9. Remote sensing of volcanoes (1)

10. Tephrochronology (4)

11. Volcanic hazards and risks (1)

12. Volcano tectonics (1)

13. Volcanoclastic deposits (2)




* 1. Ash, tephra and plumes *




Title:     Insights on tephra settling velocity from

           morphological observations

Authors:   Alfano, F., Bonadonna, C., Delmelle, P. and

           Costantini, L.

Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,

           208(3-4), 86-98, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?34dlx5



Title:     Tephra sedimentation during the 2010

           Eyjafjallajökull eruption (Iceland) from deposit, radar,

           and satellite observations

Authors:   Bonadonna, C., Genco, R., Gouhier, M., Pistolesi, M.,

           Cioni, R., et al.

Reference: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, 116(B12202), 20,


View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?frgu2t




* 2. Eruption mechanisms, flow emplacement *




Title:     High-temperature emplacement of the Cerro

           Galán and Toconquis Group ignimbrites (Puna plateau, NW

           Argentina) determined by TRM analyses

Authors:   Lesti, C., Porreca, M., Giordano, G., Mattei, M.,

           Cas, R., et al.

Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 73(10), 1535-1565, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?gspof9



Title:     The flow dynamics of an extremely large volume

           pyroclastic flow, the 2.08-Ma Cerro Galán Ignimbrite, NW

           Argentina, and comparison with other flow types

Authors:   Cas, R., Wright, H., Folkes, C., Lesti, C., Porreca, M.,

           et al.

Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 73(10), 1583-1609, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?nxvxd4



Title:     The role of dyking and fault control in the rapid

           onset of eruption at Chaitén volcano, Chile

Authors:   Wicks, C., de la Llera, J.C., Lara, L.E. and

           Lowenstern, J

Reference: Nature, 478(20 October 2011), 374-378, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ra4zmw




* 3. Eruptive history *




Title:     The volcanic evolution of Martinique Island:

           Insights from K–Ar dating into the Lesser Antilles arc

           migration since the Oligocene

Authors:   Germa, A., Quidelleur, X., Labanieh, S., Chauvel, C.

           and Lahitte, P.

Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,

           208(3-4), 122-135, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ebt5an



Title:     A re-appraisal of the stratigraphy and volcanology

           of the Cerro Galán volcanic system, NW Argentina

Authors:   Folkes, C., Wright, H., Cas, R., de Silva, S.,

           Lesti, C., et al.

Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 73(10), 1427-1454, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?fscl9u




* 4. Explosive volcanism *




Title:     The 15 March 2007 explosive crisis at Stromboli

           volcano, Italy: Assessing physical parameters through a

           multidisciplinary approach

Authors:   Pistolesi, M., Delle Donne, D., Pioli, L., Rosi, M.

           and Ripepe, M.

Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, B12206, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?5zbr5h



Title:     Introduction to the Special Issue of Bulletin of

           Volcanology, “The Cerro Galan Ignimbrite and Caldera:

           characteristics and origins of a very large volume

           ignimbrite and its magma system”

Authors:   Cashman, K. and Cas, R.

Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 73(10), 1425-1426, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?oihb7l




* 5. Hydrothermal systems *




Title:     Geochemical and isotopic evidences of magmatic

           inputs in the hydrothermal reservoir feeding the

           fumarolic discharges of Tacora volcano (northern Chile)

Authors:   Capaccioni, B., Aguilera, F., Tassi, F., Darrah, T.,

           Poreda, R.J., et al.

Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,

           208(3-4), 77-85, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?idv3c2



Title:     Noble gas isotopes and the chemical composition of

           geothermal gases from the eastern part of the Büyük

           Menderes Graben (Turkey)

Authors:   Wiersberg, T., Süer, S., Güleç, N.,

           Erzinger, J. and Parlaktuna, M.

Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,

           208(3-4), 112-121, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ikf9ek




* 6. Igneous geochemistry *




Title:     Geochemical heterogeneities and dynamics of magmas

           within the plumbing system of a persistently active

           volcano: evidence from Stromboli

Authors:   Pompilio, M., Bertagnini, A. and Métrich, N.

Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 1-14, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?hs6yga



Title:     Geochemical, isotopic and single crystal 40Ar/39Ar

           age constraints on the evolution of the Cerro Galán


Authors:   Kay, S., Coira, B., Wörner, G., Kay, R. and

           Singer, B.

Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 73(10), 1487-1511, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ilw439




* 7. Intra-plate volcanism *




Title:     Helium Isotopes at Rungwe Volcanic Province,

           Tanzania and the Origin of East African Plateaux

Authors:   Hilton, D.R., Halldórsson, S.A., Barry, P.H.,

           Fischer, T.P., de Moor, J.M., et al.

Reference: Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L21304, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?5y6ubm




* 8. Physics and chemistry of magma bodies *




Title:     Geochemical homogeneity of a long-lived, large

           silicic system; evidence from the Cerro Galán caldera,

           NW Argentina

Authors:   Folkes, C., de Silva, S., Wright, H. and Cas, R.

Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 73(10), 1455-1486, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?35yxr4



Title:     Constraints on the rates of degassing and convection

           in basaltic open-vent volcanoes

Authors:   Palma, J.L., Blake, S. and Calder, E.

Reference: Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 12, Q11006, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?jjst3b



Title:     Unusual magma storage conditions at Mt. Etna

           (Southern Italy) as evidenced by plagioclase

           megacryst-bearing lavas: implications for the plumbing

           system geometry and summit caldera collapse

Authors:   Nicotra, E. and Viccaro, M.

Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, Published Online, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?o4eahq




* 9. Remote sensing of volcanoes *




Title:     Advantages and challenges of space-borne remote

           sensing for Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI): The 2009

           eruption of Sarychev Peak on Matua Island, Kuril

           Islands, Russia

Authors:   Urai, M. and Ishizuka, Y.

Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,

           208(3-4), 163-168, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ir9wpe




* 10. Tephrochronology *




Title:     Toward establishing precise Ar/Ar chronologies for

           Late Pleistocene palaeoclimate archives: an example from

           the Lake Suigetsu (Japan) sedimentary record

Authors:   Smith, V.C., Mark, D.F., Staff, R.A., Blockley, S.P.E.,

           Bronk Ramsey, C., et al.

Reference: Quaternary Science Reviews, 30, 2845-2850, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?37hrtc



Title:     Geochemical fingerprinting of the widespread Toba

           tephra using biotite compositions

Authors:   Smith, V.C., Pearce, N.J.G., Matthews, N.E.,

           Westgate, J.A., Petraglia, M.D., et al.

Reference: Quaternary International, 246, 97-104, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?4mz9fg



Title:     Tephrostratigraphy and glass compositions of post-15

           kyr Campi Flegrei eruptions: implications for eruption

           history and chronostratigraphic markers

Authors:   Smith, V.C., Isaia, R. and Pearce, N.J.G.

Reference: Quaternary Science Reviews, 30, 3638-3660, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?7qmm3l



Title:     Tephrostratigraphy of a deep-sea sediment sequence

           off the south Chilean margin: New insight into the

           Hudson volcanic activity since the last glacial period

Authors:   Carel, M., Siani, G. and Delpech, G.

Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,

           208(3-4), 99-111, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?jhhf9d




* 11. Volcanic hazards and risks *




Title:     Eruptive scenarios of phonolitic volcanism at

           Teide-Pico Viejo volcanic complex (Tenerife, Canary


Authors:   Marti, J., Sobradelo, R., Felpeto, A. and Garcia, O.

Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 1-16, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?r57qhy




* 12. Volcano tectonics *




Title:     Spatial distribution of soil radon as a tool to

           recognize active faulting on an active volcano: the

           example of Mt. Etna (Italy)

Authors:   Neri, M., Giammanco, S., Ferrera, E., Patanè, G. and

           Zanon, V.

Reference: Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 102,

           863-870, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?got849




* 13. Volcanoclastic deposits *




Title:     Heterogeneous pumice populations in the 2.08-Ma

           Cerro Galán Ignimbrite: implications for magma recharge

           and ascent preceding a large-volume silicic eruption

Authors:   Wright, H., Folkes, C., Cas, R. and Cashman, K.

Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 73(10), 1513-1533, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ra21vi



Title:     Columnar jointing in vapor-phase-altered, non-welded

           Cerro Galán Ignimbrite, Paycuqui, Argentina

Authors:   Wright, H., Lesti, C., Cas, R., Porreca, M.,

           Viramonte, J., et al.

Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 73(10), 1567-1582, 2011

View:      http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?xzm88e



Iona McIntosh | PhD Student |

| Durham Volcanology Group |

| Department of Earth Sciences | University of Durham |

| Durham University Volcanology Group - DVG |


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