Reminder: 2nd International Course on Collapse Calderas September 19-23, 2012
From: Adelina Geyer Traver <ageyertraver@xxxxxxxxx>
2nd International Course on Collapse Calderas
September 19-23, 2012, Bolsena Caldera, Italy
Second Circular (
Valerio Acocella; Univ. Roma Tre, Roma, Italy
Adelina Geyer; CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
Danilo M. Palladino; Univ. La Sapienza, Roma, Italy
Valerio Acocella; Univ. Roma Tre, Italy.
Maurizio Battaglia; Univ. La Sapienza, Roma, Italy/USGS, Menlo Park, USA.
Ray Cas; Monash University, Australia.
Giovanni Chiodini; INGV OV, Napoli, Italy.
Raffaello Cioni; Univ. Cagliari, Italy.
Adelina Geyer; CSIC, Barcelona, Spain.
Joan Martí; CSIC, Barcelona, Spain.
Danilo M. Palladino; Univ. La Sapienza, Roma, Italy.
What is the Course on Collapse Calderas?
The IAVCEI Collapse Calderas Commission (CCC;
was created in 2008 to have a wider and deeper understanding on calderas. It includes
caldera geology, geodesy, geophysics, modelling, subcaldera magma chamber processes,
volcanic hazard and risk management, economic benefits and environmental research.
Workshops were held at Tenerife, Canarias, (2005), Mexican Volcanic Belt (2008) and
Reunion Island (2010). In the Reunión workshop, CCC started the 1st International Course
on Collapse Calderas, to give young researchers the possibility to deepen their
understanding of calderas.
The 2nd International Course on Collapse Calderas is scheduled for September 19-23,
2012, anticipating the 4th International Workshop on Collapse Calderas (September 23-29,
2012). The Course is open to undergraduate students, Ph.D. candidates and post-docs. It
is held at Hotel Columbus, in Bolsena village, on the edge of the Bolsena Caldera, that is
the most distinctive feature of the Vulsini Calderas District, 100 km north of Roma.
Course outline
The Course consists of 2 days of theoretical lessons (September 20 and 21) and 1 day
of field trip (September 22) at Bolsena caldera (see schedule below).
The main objective of the Course is to offer the students introductory modules
concerning formation and development of collapse calderas and principal products
associated to caldera-forming eruptions. Following these modules, we will focus on the
topics that can best be applied in the coming workshop, such as numeric and analogue
modeling, unrest episodes, monitoring, and the case study of Bolsena. The course ends
with a day on the field to visit examples of deposits and structures related to calderaforming
eruptions. The course introduces to the state-of-art of research and monitoring
techniques on collapse calderas and will be held by internationally-known scientists from
several research institutes.
The fee for participants to the Course is 300 euros. It includes transportation from Rome to
Bolsena on the 19th and from Bolsena to Roma on the 23rd, all meals and accommodation
from the evening of the 19th to the morning of the 23rd (4 nights), 1 day of excursion, the
registration, the course volume and the field-trip guidebook.
Limited financial support is available for young researchers motivating their request (to:
The Course is limited to 30 participants, with a first-come, first-served basis. We
recommend to register as soon as possible, and not to wait for the deadline, to assure your
- Deadline for financial support request for young researchers: March 20, 2012.
- Registration deadline: April 30, 2012.
- Registration between May 1 and July 31 will cost 350 euros.
- Registration after July 31 will not be possible. No onsite registration is foreseen.
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