VOLCANO: ANNOUNCING GeoPRISMS East African Rift Planning Workshop

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ANNOUNCING GeoPRISMS East African Rift Planning Workshop
From: Julia Morgan <morganj@xxxxxxxx>

GeoPRISMS Planning Workshop for the East African Rift Primary Site
    October 25-27, 2012; Morristown, NJ; Student Symposium October 24, 2012

Application Deadline: August 17, 2012
Apply here: http://www.geoprisms.org/meetings/ears-oct2012.html

The GeoPRISMS Steering and Oversight Committee is pleased to announce a workshop to develop a detailed science plan for the GeoPRISMS East African Rift System (EARS) Primary Site.  The East African Rift System was chosen as a primary site for GeoPRISMS because it offers significant opportunities to study a wide range of questions outlined in the GeoPRISMS Science Plan for the Rift Initiation and Evolution (RIE) Initiative. More details about GeoPRISMS science objectives in the East African Rift can be found in the GeoPRISMS Science Plan and the Draft Implementation Plan (http://www.geoprisms.org/science-plan.html); these documents will serve as the starting point for this workshop.

The main goals of the workshop are to clarify the community research objectives in the EARS, to discuss candidate "Discovery Corridors," to identify opportunities for international partnerships, and to develop a detailed Implementation Plan for GeoPRISMS research, considering the available resources and infrastructure, to guide GeoPRISMS proposers and reviewers. The success of GeoPRISMS studies in the East African Rift also will depend on developing strong partnerships with international communities with similar research interests.

The program will include a number of overview presentations on the EARS, along with plenary and break-out discussions, culminating in decisions regarding science implementation in the East African Rift. White papers will be solicited in advance of the workshop to ensure community input.

The meeting will take place in Morristown, NJ from October 25-27, and a graduate student symposium and field trip will take place on Wednesday, October 24.

Researchers from all countries are encouraged to apply, independent of past involvement in GeoPRISMS. Post-docs, senior graduate students, and members of under-represented groups are especially encouraged to participate. Funding from NSF and other sources is expected to cover a significant fraction of travel and accommodation costs for ~80 participants with a diversity of interests, including limited funds for international attendees.  Applications should include a brief statement of interest and anticipated contribution to the workshop and a short curriculum vitae. Apply at:

Workshop Conveners (in alphabetical order):
   Ramon Arrowsmith (Arizona State University)
   Estella Atekwana (Oklahoma State University)
   Maggie Benoit (The College of New Jersey)
   Andrew Cohen (University of Arizona)
   Rob Evans (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
   Matthew Pritchard (Cornell University)
   Tyrone Rooney (Michigan State University)
   Donna Shillington (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)

For more information, contact the GeoPRISMS office: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxx


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