Schedule and Call for Presentations: 2012 Gregory G. Leptoukh Online Giovanni Workshop
From: "Acker, James G." <james.g.acker@xxxxxxxx>
Schedule and Call for Presentations: The 2012 Gregory G. Leptoukh Online Giovanni Workshop
Call for Presentations: The workshop will consist of online presentations in the form of either a slide show (Powerpoint) or PDF "poster". Presenters will display and describe their presentations using WebEx and the WebEx chat interface, so that attendees can read the description as they view the slides or poster. Presentations will be 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions (submitted via chat).
Submission deadline for presentation abstracts is September 4, 2012.
Presentations do not have to consist of original (unpublished) research - the goal of this workshop is to share how Giovanni has contributed to scientific research in many different fields of Earth science. A description of a published paper or meeting presentation is acceptable.
The chats will be logged, so that participants unable to attend a live session will be able to read the presentation description and question-and-answer session.
Abstracts: We will publish a complete agenda with abstracts one week prior to the workshop. Abstracts should briefly describe the subject of the presentation and the use of Giovanni. Previously published abstracts can be used; if Giovanni is not mentioned in the abstract, please add a brief description of how Giovanni was used. Abstracts should be in English, and no longer than 500 words. Presentations will be placed online following the workshop with author permission.
Please submit the information listed below with the abstract to james.g.acker@xxxxxxxx
First Author Name
First Author Institution (if applicable)
First Author Email Address (email addresses will be provided with "at" substituted for "@" to facilitate communications between participants)
Co-Author Names
Session Preference - see agenda for session numbers
Full Schedule and Call: < >
James G. Acker, Ph.D., Wyle IS LLC
NASA GES DISC Code 610.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771
NASA GES DISC Code 610.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771
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