VOLCANO: CoV7 Volcanic Emergencies Session Announcement

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CoV7 Volcanic Emergencies Session Announcement
From: "Carina Fearnley [cjf9]" <cjf9@xxxxxxxxxx>

Dear all,

We would like to draw your attention to the following Volcanic Emergencies session at the upcoming Cities on Volcanoes 7 conference, in Colima, Mexico from 19-23 November 2012.

Early-bird registration has been extended until 12 August, and the abstract submission deadline is now 28 August – please see http://www.citiesonvolcanoes7.com for further details.

Session 4.1:
Volcanic Emergencies: The role of government & planning based within communities

This session attempts to cover the most relevant topics of the relationship that is generated between authorities, scientists and the population at risk when identifying the occurrence of an imminent volcanic hazard, when there is an eruption underway or during the process of prevention and mitigation of disasters in communities living besides active volcanoes. It will seek to explore the various responsibilities, some exclusive, other shared in emergency decision-making; in the definition of actions of reducing risk, which include land use planning, the elaboration of plans for response and recovery, as well as the existence or non-existence of support within the legal system. It will seek to define the problems experienced for specific cases of volcanic emergencies, where observation was possible of the roles adopted, either separate or in collaboration, of the at-risk populations, scientists and civil and/or military authorities. One objective of the session will be to learn from experiences of community-based planning.

Enrique Guevara (Mexico's National Disaster Prevention Center (Cenapred), Mexico)
Jesús Manuel Macías (Centro de investigaciones y Estudios Superiores (CIESAS), Mexico)
Carina Fearnley (Aberystwyth University, UK)

We welcome you to submit abstracts to the session. Please note that the word limit is 300 words without references, tables or figures, and that each participant may submit up to two abstracts with a maximum of one to be presented as an oral presentation.

Please do not hesitate to contact Carina Fearnley (cjf9@xxxxxxxxxx) with any queries.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Kind Regards,

Dr. Carina Fearnley

Lecturer in Environmental Hazards | Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences
Aberystwyth University | Llandinam Building | Penglais Campus | Aberystwyth | SY23 3DB | UK
T: +44 (0)1970 622780
F: +44 (0)1970 622659
W: http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/iges/staff/academic-staff/cjf09


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