AGU session: What Can Pyroclasts Tell Us?
From: Corrado Cimarelli <cimarelli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues,
Please consider submitting an abstract to our fall AGU session:
V057: What Can Pyroclasts Tell Us?
"Pyroclasts capture information on the unobservable phenomena that govern volcanic eruptions. Increasingly refined analyses of volcanic deposits combined with sophisticated experiments and models are contributing to our comprehension of the processes driving magma fragmentation and transport. In this session we will explore the forefront of analysis and interpretation of pyroclasts and pyroclastic deposits. We welcome contributions from field and experimental volcanology, monitoring and computational modelling to build dialogue between diverse scientists about how best to decipher eruption mechanisms using pyroclasts."Conveners: Ben Andrews (AndrewsB@xxxxxx), Ulli Kueppers (kueppers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
, Corrado Cimarelli
Abstract submission deadline: 8 August 2012.
See you all in San Francisco!
Abstract submission deadline: 8 August 2012.
See you all in San Francisco!
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