Announcement International Conference "Basalt 2013"
From: "Joerg Buechner" <Joerg.Buechner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues,
would like to invite you to the international conference "Basalt
2013" held from April 24th to April 28th 2013 and
hosted by the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz (Germany).
This Conference will focus on Cenozoic magmatism in Central Europe dealing with multifarious aspects of igneous systems. A main intention will be the communication between scientists with different scientific approach to Cenozoic magmatism. The scientific program will be subdivided into three major features: (1) physical, mineralogical and chemical characteristics of the magma source and melt generation processes, (2) physical, chemical, mineralogical and textural composition of the lithosphere and its interaction with ascending magmas and fluids as well as the development of the fluids itself and (3) volcanism, eruption styles, crystallisation, alteration, growth and decease of volcano edifices. The meeting should highlight the process-oriented and material aspects of magmatism. All disciplines of geosciences ranging from geology and physical volcanology, through petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry up to geophysics will be employed. Furthermore, we invite contributions to active magmatic processes, landscape evolution and impact of volcanoes on society (resources, hazards) as well as to the outreach of volcanological sciences to the public (geotourism). In honour of Prof. K.H. Scheumann (1881-1964) a special attention will be devoted to the 100th anniversary of his polzenite definition. Contributions to melilitic rocks and new sights of the type localities in Northern Bohemia will be welcome.
Further information to the conference, field trips, associated workshops and venue you will find online at
The first circular you can download here.
Preregistration form is given here.
Olaf Tietz & Jörg Büchner
Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz
Mailto: basalt2013@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
We are looking forward and hope to see you next year in Görlitz
With kind regards,
On behalf of the scientific and organizing committee
Jörg Büchner
Senckenberg Museum of
Natural History Görlitz
PF 300154
D-02806 Görlitz
Tel. ++49-(0)3581/4760-5701, -5710
International Conference "Basalt 2013"
24.04. - 28.04.2013 in Görlitz
email: basalt2013@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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