AGU 2011 Session: V36 Surtseyan Eruption and Emplacement Mechanism
From: Ian Skilling <skilling@xxxxxxxx>
Dear Kirsten,
Please could you post the following announcement on the Listserv about an upcoming session at the Fall AGU. Thanks, Ian
Dear colleagues,
Please consider submitting an abstract for the Fall 2011 AGU session entitled "Surtseyan Eruption and Emplacement Mechanisms" (V36)
Abstract submission is now open and closes in about 2 weeks on August 4th 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT):
Sponsor: Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology (VP)
Co-Sponsors: Natural Hazards (NH)
Conveners: Ian Skilling and James White
“Surtseyan” is commonly applied to a variety of subaqueous to emergent, usually mafic, eruptions, deposits and edifices. The eruptions are often divided into “cocks-tail” and “continuous uprush” styles and are associated mostly with the construction of tuff cones where “wet fallout” is usually cited as the dominant primary emplacement mechanism. We encourage submissions on all aspects of “Surtseyan”volcanism, but are particularly interested in studies that focus on (1) definitions of Surtseyan volcanism, (2) roles of external water versus juvenile water in the eruption (3) glass morphometry and vesicularity, (4) controls on “cocks-tail jet” vs “continuous uprush”, (5) within-vent deposits, (6) comparison with “dry” explosive eruptions of basaltic composition, including Strombolian, violent Strombolian eruptions and Plinian, and (7) subaqueous and subaerial emplacement mechanisms
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