AGU 2011 Session: S10 Geophysical Characterization of Magmatic Systems
From: "Seth Moran" <smoran@xxxxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to contribute an abstract to the special session
on "Geophysical Characterization of Magmatic Systems" (S10) at the Fall AGU
Meeting in December, 2011. This session is sponsored by the Seismology (S)
section and is cosponsored by Near Surface Geophysics (NS), but
contributions from Geodesy, Tectonophysics, and Volcanology, Geochemistry,
and Petrology disciplines are also strongly encouraged.
Session S10: Geophysical Characterization of Magmatic Systems
Seismic and geodetic methods are increasingly being used in parallel to
investigate magma storage/source regions and magma propagation. 3D and 4D
seismic imaging using phase arrivals, coda interferometry and/or other
time-dependent seismic methods, and 3D-4D geodetic imaging using Mogi-source
and finite element modeling of deformation recorded by GPS, InSAR,
strainmeters, gravimeters, tiltmeters, etc., are among the ways researchers
are 'pushing the envelope' of our understanding of where magma is stored
beneath volcanoes. We invite contributions on the geophysical
characterization of magmatic systems, with a specific focus on seismic and
geodetic imaging along with complementary investigations from related
Session URL
Thank you for considering this session.
Cliff Thurber, Rick Aster, & Seth Moran
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