AGU 2012 session announcement - V014: Erupt, Rest, Repeat: The Nature of Cyclic Behavior in Volcanic Systems
From: "Jean-Francois Smekens" <jsmekens@xxxxxxx>
Fall AGU Meeting 2012, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 Dec 2012
Dear colleagues,
please consider submitting an abstract to the following at the AGU 2012 Fall meeting:
V014: Erupt, Rest, Repeat: The Nature of Cyclic Behavior in Volcanic Systems
Cyclic eruptive activity is common at many active volcanic centers, spanning a wide range of magma compositions and eruptive styles. In particular, cyclic explosive activity provides optimal conditions to understand the subsurface mechanisms that lead to fragmentation and the transition between effusive and explosive regimes, and observe their surface manifestations. Continuing developments in monitoring techniques provide the scientific community with increasing amounts of data documenting these phenomena. We invite contributions that present results from field observations, laboratory experiments, and numerical or theoretical models of cyclic volcanic phenomena, with a special emphasis on multidisciplinary studies.
Jean-Francois Smekens (Arizona State University)
Barry Voight (Penn State University)
Loyc Vanderkluyzen (Arizona State University)
Kirsten Chojnicki (Arizona State University)
The abstract submission deadline is 8 August 2012.
Jean-François Smekens
PhD candidate
School of Earth and Space exploration
Arizona State University
ISTB4 770
ISTB4 770
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