AGU Fall session on tephrochronology
From: Victoria Smith <victoria.smith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the following AGU Fall meeting session:
V039: Quaternary Tephrochronology: Advances and Applications
Volcanic ash injected into the atmosphere during large explosive eruptions is widely dispersed, forming markers in sedimentary archives. Recent advances in techniques for recovery of glass shards from ultra-distal, cryptically recorded tephra; micro-analytical characterization of small shards; and radiometric dating of volcanic deposits, have led to a resurgence in the use of tephra in studies of the tempo of volcanism, assessment of the timing of paleoclimatic events, and dating of archaeological records. We encourage contributions on the characterization of large eruption deposits; advances in radiometric dating; use of tephra records to assess eruptive frequency/hazards; and tephrochronology as a tool for high-precision age modeling.
The AGU Fall meeting is in San Francisco, 3-7 December 2012. The abstract submission deadline is 8 August 2012.
Victoria C. Smith (University of Oxford)
Naomi E. Matthews (United States Geological Survey)
Christine S. Lane (University of Oxford)
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