Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities at the Smithsonian
From: "Cottrell, Elizabeth" <cottrelle@xxxxxx>
would like to call the community's attention to pre- and postdoctoral fellowship opportunities at the Smithsonian (including petrology, experimental petrology, geochemistry, volcanology and mineral physics). The new Buck Fellowship Program makes possible independent fellowship appointments lasting up to three years. **APPLICATION DEADLINE IS JAN 15th, 2012.**
Fellows will have access to experimental petrology equipment at all pressures (1 atm gas-mixing, hydrothermal, piston cylinder, multi-anvil (joint with the Geophysical Laboratory at Carnegie), and diamond anvil cell) in conjunction with a large spectrum of preparatory and analytical equipment, including, but not limited to: electron microprobe, FEG-SEM (including spectral CL), a new Nicolet 6700 FTIR with mapping capability, micro-XANES, wet chemistry, and XRD ( Fellows will also enjoy access to Smithsonian's unparalleled collections (including volcanic samples, xenoliths, the sea-floor glass collection etc.).
Application information is below and posted at
Liz Cottrell
Postdoctoral and Predoctoral Fellowships. The Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, invites fellowship applications. Active areas of research include volcanology, meteorite studies, solar system formation, planetary formation and evolution, mineral spectroscopy, geomicrobiology, environmental mineralogy, experimental petrology, mineral physics, and petrology/geochemistry. The department also houses the National Meteorite Collection, the National Rock and Ore Collection, the National Gem and Mineral Collection, and the Global Volcanism Program. A description of facilities, staff profiles, and collections resources can be found on our website:
Graduate fellowships are funded for 10 weeks; postdoctoral candidates should request 3 years (36 months) under the auspices of the Buck Fellowship Program at the Natural History Building. Application information for the institution-wide competition is available at The application deadline is January 15th, 2012. The Smithsonian Institution is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Elizabeth Cottrell
Curator, Research Geologist, and Director of the Global Volcanism Program
Department of Mineral Sciences
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
Packages: MRC-119, NHB, 10th & Constitution Ave, Washington DC, 20560
Phone: 202.633.1859 Fax: 202.357.2476
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