AGU session on Imaging Techniques in Volcanology
From: "Andrews, Benjamin" <AndrewsB@xxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to an AGU session on quantitative observations of volcanoes:
V034. New Developments in Imaging Volcanic Phenomena
Increasingly sophisticated imaging instruments and techniques are used for research and monitoring of volcanic phenomena. These tools range from radars that image surface roughness, to infrared cameras to track spatial and temporal variations in temperature, to optical cameras imaging plumes and morphology with particle image velocimetry, to ultraviolet imagers quantifying sulfur flux. As instruments improve, and integration with other datasets becomes common, opportunities arise to better understand volcanic processes. We invite submissions that emphasize new techniques and quantitative observations of volcanic phenomena using both optical techniques and multi-spectral imaging. Results from ground-, air-, or space-borne studies are welcome.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the session.
Ben Andrews (Smithsonian Institution)
Jeffrey Johnson (Boise State University)
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