VOLCANO: CoV7 Colima: The pyroclast puzzle: deciphering volcanic deposits

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CoV7 Colima: The pyroclast puzzle: deciphering volcanic deposits
From: Miguel Alatorre <alatorre.miguel@xxxxxxxxx>

Dear all,

We would like to draw your attention and invite you to submit an abstract to the following session at the upcoming Cities on Volcanoes 7 conference, in Colima, Mexico from 19-23 November 2012:

Session 1.6: The pyroclast puzzle: deciphering volcanic deposits

Pyroclasts are the only direct witness of volcanic eruptions and provide valuable information on pre- and syn-eruptive processes. A thorough investigation allows inferring for magma ascent, fragmentation, transport and deposition processes. This information is fundamental to constrain the nature and timing of past eruptions, validate and enhance models and improve the assessment of volcanic hazard. 

This session is addressing scientists from all disciplines analysing volcanic activity with a deposit-based approach. We seek contributions from field and experimental volcanology, monitoring and computational modelling that contribute to fostering a supra-disciplinary dialogue. This approach is required to synergize and achieve an encompassing understanding of eruption mechanisms and emplacement processes. This information will be of enormous benefit for the definition of eruptive scenarios and the evaluation of risk.


Miguel Alatorre (LMU, Munich, Germany)
Ulrich Kueppers (LMU, Munich, Germany)
Carlos Navarro ((Univ. de Colima, Mexico)

Abstract submission and registration are open with early bird registration closing on 15 July and abstract submission on 31 July. http://www.citiesonvolcanoes7.com/


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