Cordilleran-Rocky Mountain GSA: Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks
From: "Rowe, Michael Clifton" <mcrowe@xxxxxxx>
Please consider submitting an abstract for the Cordilleran/Rocky
Mountain joint regional Geological Society of America meeting (May 18-20
in Logan Utah).
Abstract Deadline: Feb 15.
Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks: From small scales to big pictures
Convenors: Adam Kent (Oregon State University) and Michael Rowe
(Washington State University)
Development of the electron microprobe in the 1950's revolutionized
igneous petrology, and the more recent advent of other techniques
capable of providing in situ micro-scale geochemistry, such as the ion
microprobe, laser ablation ICP-MS, FTIR and synchrotron-based methods
continue to provide a wealth of new information about the formation and
evolution of igneous rocks. However, a continuing challenge is to relate
such small-scale measurements to the larger length scales relevant to
study of magmatic systems in their entirety, the relation between
tectonic forces and magmatism, and the development of crustal-scale
magmatic provinces. We seek contributions from workers interested in
applying small-scale measurements of mineral, glass and inclusion
compositions to broader questions confronting igneous petrology.
Examples of the latter include (but are not confined to) magmatic fluxes
and crustal evolution, interactions between magmas and the
hydrosphere/biosphere, and development of large igneous provinces and
batholith-scale intrusive complexes. Workers who seek to incorporate
small-scale chemical and isotopic information into regional scale
multidisciplinary studies of magmatic systems are particularly
encouraged to participate.
For more information or to submit an abstract see the meeting website
Michael Rowe (mcrowe@xxxxxxx)
Adam Kent (adam.kent@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
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