******************************************************************************************** PubVolc Digest - July 2011 From: "MCINTOSH I.M." <i.m.mcintosh@xxxxxxxxxxxx> ******************************************************************************************** Dear All, The digest of articles submitted to PubVolc in July 2011 is below. You may prefer to view this digest online, where you can also request reprints of most of the articles: http://www.pubvolc.net/current.php5 <http://www.pubvolc.net/current.php5> You can submit new volcanology articles - yours or other people's - to PubVolc at any time of the month using the online form: http://www.pubvolc.net/input_form.php5 <http://www.pubvolc.net/input_form.php5> Alternatively, you can save time by importing article references straight from your citation management software using this form: http://www.pubvolc.net/input_data.php5 <http://www.pubvolc.net/input_data.php5> Best wishes, The PubVolc Team. ******** PubVolc: latest volcanology articles, Jul 2011 ******** View this digest online at: http://www.pubvolc.net/current.php5 <http://www.pubvolc.net/current.php5> Learn more about PubVolc at: http://www.pubvolc.net/about.php5 <http://www.pubvolc.net/about.php5> Submit your recent publications: http://www.pubvolc.net/submit.php5 <http://www.pubvolc.net/submit.php5> Comments and queries to moderator@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:moderator@xxxxxxxxxxx> Categories (number of entries): 1. Calderas (2) 2. Effusive volcanism (2) 3. Eruption mechanisms, flow emplacement (1) 4. Explosive volcanism (2) 5. Field relationships (1) 6. General or miscellaneous (1) 7. Lava rheology and morphology (2) 8. Physics and chemistry of magma bodies (1) 9. Remote sensing of volcanoes (1) 10. Subduction zone processes (1) 11. Volcanic gases (2) 12. Volcano seismology (1) 13. Volcano tectonics (1) *************** * 1. Calderas * *************** 1.1 Title: Mechanical and geometric controls on the structural evolution of pit crater and caldera subsidence. Authors: Holohan, E.P., Schöpfer, M.P.J. and Walsh, J.J. Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 116, B07202, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?wf5yyq <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?wf5yyq> 1.2 Title: Influence of pre-existing volcanic edifice geometry on caldera formation Author: Pinel, V. Reference: Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L11305, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?y1idnw <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?y1idnw> ************************* * 2. Effusive volcanism * ************************* 2.1 Title: Coupled use of COSPEC and satellite measurements to define the volumetric balance during effusive eruptions at Mt. Etna, Italy Authors: Steffke, A.M., Harris, A.J.L., Burton, M., Caltabiano, T. and Salerno, G.G. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 205(1-2), 47-53, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?8eww8g <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?8eww8g> 2.2 Title: Physics-based models of ground deformation and extrusion rate at effusively erupting volcanoes Authors: Anderson, K. and Segall, P. Reference: Journal of Geophysical Reserach, 116(B07204), 20, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?i7i3di <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?i7i3di> ******************************************** * 3. Eruption mechanisms, flow emplacement * ******************************************** 3.1 Title: Applications of a simplified equation of state for the density of silicate hydrous magmas: The Volcán de Colima (Mexico) buoyancy-driven dome growth process: Similarities and differences with the Popocatépetl volcano domes Authors: González-Mellado, A.O., De la Cruz-Reyna, S. and Navarro-Ochoa, C. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 205(1-2), 17-29, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?okoqx7 <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?okoqx7> ************************** * 4. Explosive volcanism * ************************** 4.1 Title: Eruption dynamics of Hawaiian-style fountains: the case study of episode 1 of the Kilauea Iki 1959 eruption Authors: Stovall, W.K., Houghton, B.F., Gonnermann, H., Fagents, S.A. and Swanson, D.A. Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 73(5), 511-529, 2010 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?1r7h5e <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?1r7h5e> 4.2 Title: Magma and volatile supply to post-collapse volcanism and block resurgence in Siwi caldera (Tanna island, Vanuatu arc) Authors: Metrich, N., Allard, P., Aiuppa, A., Bani, P., Bertagnini, A., et al. Reference: Journal of Petrology, 52(6), 1077-1105, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?wetgks <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?wetgks> ************************** * 5. Field relationships * ************************** 5.1 Title: Mafic alkalic magmatism in central Kachchh, India: a monogenetic volcanic field in the northwestern Deccan Traps Authors: Kshirsagar, P. V., Sheth, H. C. and Shaikh, B. Reference: Bulletin of Volcanology, 73(5), 595-612, 2010 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?6dde7z <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?6dde7z> ******************************* * 6. General or miscellaneous * ******************************* 6.1 Title: Geochronology of the Tardree Rhyolite Complex, Northern Ireland: Implications for zircon fission track studies, the North Atlantic Igneous Province and the age of the Fish Canyon sanidine standard Authors: Ganerød, M., Chew, D.M., Smethurst, M.A., Troll, V.R., Corfu, F., et al. Reference: Chemical Geology, 286, 222-228, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ub6m48 <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?ub6m48> *********************************** * 7. Lava rheology and morphology * *********************************** 7.1 Title: The role of collapsing and cone rafting on eruption style changes and final cone morphology: Los Morados scoria cone, Mendoza, Argentina Authors: Németh, K., Risso, C., Nullo, F. and Kereszturi, G. Reference: Central European Journal of Geosciences, 3(2), 102-118, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?85za4w <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?85za4w> 7.2 Title: Evolution of the mechanics of the 2004-2008 Mt. St. Helens lava dome with time and temperature Authors: Smith, R., Sammonds, P.R., Tuffen, H. and Meredith, P.G. Reference: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 307, 191-200, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?r5ave6 <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?r5ave6> ******************************************** * 8. Physics and chemistry of magma bodies * ******************************************** 8.1 Title: Formation of a zoned magma chamber and its temporal evolution during the historic eruptive activity of Tarumai Volcano, Japan: Petrological implications for a long-term forecast of eruptive activity of an active volcano Authors: Nakagawa, M., Hiraga, N. and Furukawa, R. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 205(1-2), 1-16, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?uzreia <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?uzreia> ********************************** * 9. Remote sensing of volcanoes * ********************************** 9.1 Title: Sulphur dioxide as a volcanic ash proxy during the April-May 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull Volcano, Iceland Authors: Thomas, H.E. and Prata, A.J. Reference: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 6871-6880, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?mppzc2 <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?mppzc2> ********************************* * 10. Subduction zone processes * ********************************* 10.1 Title: Geochemistry of southern Pagan Island lavas, Mariana arc: the role of subduction zone processes Authors: Marske, J.P., Pietruszka, A.J., Trusdell, F.A. and Garcia, M.O. Reference: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 162(2), 231-252, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?rqspni <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?rqspni> ********************** * 11. Volcanic gases * ********************** 11.1 Title: Sulfur degassing from volcanoes; source conditions, surveillance, plume chemistry and Earth system impacts Authors: Oppenheimer, C., Scaillet, B. and Martin, R.S. Reference: Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 73, 363-421, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?abx5if <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?abx5if> 11.2 Title: Mantle to surface degassing of alkalic magmas at Erebus volcano, Antarctica Authors: Oppenheimer, C., Moretti, R., Kyle, P.R., Eschenbacher, A., Lowenstern, J.B., et al. Reference: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 306(3-4), 261-271, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?xvwprv <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?xvwprv> ************************** * 12. Volcano seismology * ************************** 12.1 Title: Seismic activity that accompanied the effusive and explosive eruptions during the 2004-2005 period at Volcán de Colima, Mexico Authors: Arámbula-Mendoza, R., Lesage, P., Valdés-González, C., Varley, N.R., Reyes-Dávila, G., et al. Reference: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 205(1-2), 30-46, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?nwdkll <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?nwdkll> ************************* * 13. Volcano tectonics * ************************* 13.1 Title: Gravity-driven deformation of Damavand volcano detected through InSAR time series Authors: Shirzaei, M., Walter, T.R., Nankali, H.R. and Holohan, E.P. Reference: Geology, 39, 251-254, 2011 View: http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?qu7xs6 <http://www.pubvolc.net/view.php5?qu7xs6> ============================================================== To unsubscribe from the volcano list, send the message: signoff volcano to: listserv@xxxxxxx, or write to: volcano-request@xxxxxxx. To contribute to the volcano list, send your message to: volcano@xxxxxxx. Please do not send attachments. ==============================================================