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- Future Volcanologist Seeking Research Position
- Royal Society Committee Krakatau Report
- PhD Opportunity at Portsmouth University
- Non-Juvenile Volcanic Ash
- Steve Sparks' 60th birthday
- Invitation to ILP-NATO Meeting
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6-12 May 2009
- Post-Doctoral Grant Announcement in Seismology
- Post-doc at University Blaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand
- Announcement of GSA Topical Session
- Session Announcement for the International Lithosphere Program (ILP) Conference
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 April-5 May 2009
- 3rd Johnston-Lavis Colloquium: Climate Forcing of Geological and Geomorphological Hazards
- UCL DRR Conference Announcement: November 4th - 6th 2009
- PubVolc Digest - April 2009
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 April 2009
- Postdoctoral Research Position in Geophysics at the University of Iceland
- Mount Baker Volcano Research Center Fundraiser T-shirts
- PhD Position in Volcanic Plume Modelling
- URGENT: Registration to ESC Annual Workshop "Volcanoes and Earthquakes"
- KVERT Information Release April 26 2009
- Volcanologist Position at the Smithsonian Institution
- Post Doctoral Position in Volcano Seismology
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 April 2009
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, February 2009
- JKASP6 Meeting Registration and Fees
- Redoubt Eruption of April 4 2009: Photos
- New Book on the Valles Caldera
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 April 2009
- HVO Press Release: 14 April 2009 - Earthquake
- AVO Information Statement: April 11 2009
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 April 2009
- The current activity of Ebeko volcano, Paramushir Island, Northern Kuriles
- Rocky has climbed his final mountain
- Weekly Volcano Report in Google Earth
- AVO Redoubt Volcano Activity Notice: April 4 2009
- Sessions and Field Trips at the National GSA Meeting
- Mount St. Helens Professional Paper 1750 Now Online
- Lecturer in Geophysics / Tectonics (University of Leeds)
- ESC Annual Workshop "Volcanoes and Earthquakes"
- PubVolc Digest - March 2009
- Hazard and Petrology Positions in New Zealand
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25-31 March 2009
- AVO Daily Update: March 30 2009
- AVO Weekly Update: March 27 2009
- AVO Redoubt Volcano Activity Notice March 27 2009
- Discovery's Top 10 Volcanoes of All Time
- HVO Press Release: Mauna Loa Eruption 25th Anniversary
- AVO Status Report March 26 2009: Large Eruption of Redoubt
- AVO Redoubt Volcano Activity Notice: March 26 2009
- International Summer School of Volcanology, Nisyros, Greece
- Tonga Eruption Photos
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 18-24 March 2009
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, January 2009
- AVO Status Report: Redoubt Activity March 24 2009
- AVO Information Statement: Redoubt Eruption March 23 2009
- AVO Redoubt Volcano Activity Notice: March 22, 2009
- Ph.D. Fellowship: Rheology of the Earth
- Student Seeking PhD in Volcanology or Tectonics
- Vacant Post - Volcanologist at the Seismic Research Centre
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 March 2009
- Eruption in Tonga: 16/17 March 2009
- AVO Information Statement: March 16, 2009
- Postdoc Position in Volcanology: Universidad de Colima, Mexico
- Workshop Announcement: Future of Continental Scientific Drilling
- AVO Information Statement: March 12 2009
- Sakurajima Eruption Video
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 March 2009
- Student Seeking PhD in Volcanology
- HVO Press Release 09 March 2009
- 33rd ISRSE - Announcements 3/7/2009
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25 February-3 March 2009
- Invitation to Contribute -- AOGS '09
- Third Maar Conference 2009: Courses
- PubVolc Digest - February 2009
- Abstract Deadline for the JKASP-2009 Extended Until March 17, 2009
- PhD in Volcanology - University of York, UK
- New Instructional Website: 79 AD Eruption of Vesuvius
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, December 2008
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 18-24 February 2009
- AGU Joint Assembly Session on Carbon Cycling
- International Workshop on Glacier Hazards, Permafrost Hazards and GLOFs in Mountain Areas
- Postdoctoral Opportunity: Volcanology/ petrology/ geochemistry
- Re: Report of Drift Pumice Near Socorro Island: ASTER images
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 February 2009
- Report of Drift Pumice Near Socorro Island
- Three PhD Opportunities at the University of Queensland, Australia
- 33rd ISRSE - Important Reminders
- Poás Volcano: Impact of Rockslides
- AVO Information Statement: February 13, 2009
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 February 2009
- Announcing the 2009 Jack Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research
- Re: What is volcanology and why do we do it?
- Touring the volcanic landscapes of the Danakil Depression
- AGU Toronto V05: Ore Genesis and Volcano Instability
- PhD in Volcanology, University of Portsmouth
- International Volcanological Field School 2009
- Ashfall and Oil Refineries
- Graduate summer internships in volcano seismology/geodesy/petrology
- Third Maar Conference: Courses
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 January-3 February 2009
- PhD Opportunity at the University of Auckland, New Zealand
- MSA Kraus Crystallographic Research Fund
- MELTS, GLASSES, MAGMAS 2009 Short Course
- BEWARE - Phishing for volcanologists
- Kimberlite Sessions at AGU Joint Assembly Meeting: May 2009 - Toronto
- PubVolc Digest - January 2009
- AGU Toronto: Special Session on Pyroclastic Currents
- AVO Status Report 2009_01_30_1220
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 January 2009
- AGU Special Session V08: Advances in 3D Imaging and Analysis of Rocks
- AGU Joint Assembly Session V10: Cyberinfrastructure for Volcanology Research and Hazard Mitigation
- Goldschmidt session: Novel tracers of slab components...
- Goldschmidt session: Microanalytical Research and Instrumentation
- PhD in Computational Geodynamics at Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences
- Call for papers: 2009 Joint Assembly, Toronto - Stable isotopes in high temperature and hydrothermal systems
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 January 2009
- CVARG Post-Doc Grant On Volcanology: New deadline
- Re: Year 2009 Volcano Eruption Forecast
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, November 2008
- Job Opening: Mount St. Helens Institute--Science and Environmental Education Coordinator
- JAES AVCOR Special Issue - Call for papers
- Small Phreatic Eruption from Poas Volcano and Cinchona Earthquake
- Smithsonian Thin-section/Machinist Position
- Earthquake Hits Poas Volcano, Costa Rica
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 January 2009
- Call for nominations for CoV7 conference host
- Krakatau Monitoring Through KRAKMON Website
- Video Camera for Koryaksky Volcano
- EGU 2009: Call for papers, NP3.08 Solid Earth Geocomplexity
- EGU: GMPV 17 Carbon from cosmos to core
- 1894 Collectible Geology Book For Sale
- AGU Joint Assembly Call For Abstracts on Intraplate Volcanism Session
- Year 2009 Volcano Eruption Forecast
- News Release - Is Halema`uma`u pau?
- Penrose Conference on Low Delta-18O Rhyolites
- MVO Weekly Report 2 - 9 December 2008
- EGU 2009: Session on modelling and simulation of dangerous phenomena, and innovative techniques for hazard evaluation, mapping, mitigation
- EGU 2009 Session on Creating Collaborative Cyber-Infrastructure for Natural Hazard Management
- EGU 2009 GMPV5: Volatiles: from the mantle, through magmas, up to the atmosphere, back to the mantle
- EGU 2009: Complex processes in magmatic and volcanic systems
- EGU 2009 GMPV4: Unraveling magma generation and differentiation
- Volcano Deformation, Dynamics and Deep Structure at EGU 2009: Session GMPV3
- Session Announcement EGU2009- Volcanic threats: hazard identification, assessment and risk mitigation
- EGU 2009 Session GMPV2: Monitoring and observations at active volcanoes using in-situ and remote sensing techniques
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 31 December 2008-6 January 2009
- SSA 2009 Annual Meeting - Volcano Monitoring Special Session
- 2009 Scripps Postdoctoral Award, Call for Applications
- Geoscience Lectureship - Durham University, UK
- Micro-Analysis, Processes, Time (MAPT) Meeting
- PubVolc Digest - December 2008
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 24-30 December 2008
- CoV6-Tenerife 2010 Web Page
- An improved ice-core-based volcanic index for climate models
- Post-Doc Grant in Volcanology: Eruptive Dynamics of Azorean Volcanism
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 17-23 December 2008
- KVERT Update: Koryaksky Volcano Ash Plume, Dec 25, 2008
- Piton de la Fournaise Activity: December 15, 2008
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, October 2008
- JVGR Special Issue on "Evaluating explosive eruption risk at European volcanoes"
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 December 2008
- EGU 2009 Session on Public Policy and Commercial Applications of Natural Catastrophe Risk Assessment
- Director of the Montserrat Volcano Observatory
- Finding the Okmok and Kasatochi Session at AGU
- What is volcanology, and why do we do it?
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 December 2008
- PhD Opportunities in Space Geodesy/Seismology/Volcanology
- New web pages for VAAC Montréal - Nou velles pages web pour le VAAC Montréal
- Faculty in Volcanology Position: Update to Previous Post
- Faculty Positions at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- The Andean Geotrail Project: Ask for Support
- Postdoctoral Project on Magmatic Processes at Santorini Volcano, Greece
- Ash Fall at Klyuchi From Klyuchevskoy Volcano
- MVO Weekly Report 28 November - 5 December 2008
- 2009 EGU Vienna: NH10.10 Creating Collaborative Cyber-Infrastructure for Natural Hazard Management
- Session on Volcano Deformation, Dynamics and Deep Structure at EGU 2009
- October 6th Eruption of Soputan: Clarification/Update on the Plume Height
- University of Alaska Fairbanks Seeks Assistant/Associate Professor of Volcanology
- PubVolc Digest - November 2008
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 November-2 December 2008
- MVO Activity Report - 2 December 2008: Explosion and Pyroclastic Flow
- CoV6-Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain)
- Faculty Fellow, Geological Sciences, University of Oregon
- Puy de Sancy and Chaîne de Puys V olcanoes: Pre-EGU 2009 Field Trip
- 2009 EGU Vienna: GMPV14- Trace element mobility during metamorphism and subduction
- NORDVULK Summer School on Volcano-Ice Interaction
- Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion Island, November 2008
- Abstract Deadline for Third International Maar Conference: 30 November 2008
- Release of New Montserrat DVD Series
- One Year Fellowship at Osservatorio Vesuviano, Naples, Italy
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 November 2008
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, September 2008
- Eruption of Nevado del Huila Volcano and Seismic Activity at Machin Volcano, Colombia
- Call For Drilling Site Proposals in the East African Rift
- Graduate INGV Fellowship: Osservatorio Vesuviano, Naples, Italy
- Academic Position in Geochemistry and Petrology: Monash University
- New Lava Flow at Klyuchevskoy Volcano
- 33rd ISRSE - Welcome ISPRS Airborne Science and GEOSS
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 November 2008
- EGU09 Session GMPV4: Magmatic Differentiation
- Research Assistantship in Database Development for Global Volcanic Hazard and Risk Identification
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 November 2008
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, August 2008
- Lion Television - Documentary to Feature Volcanologists
- Volunteers Wanted for Volcano Projects at Poas and Masaya Volcanoes
- Job Opportunities at the Seismic Research Centre: Addendum
- Willing Volunteer at Chaitén Volcano
- Eruption in Northern Afar, Ethiopia on November 3rd
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 October-4 November 2008
- Announcement: Volcano Geophysics Field Course in Ecuador
- PubVolc 'current issue' link error
- PubVolc Digest - October 2008
- Job Opportunities at the Seismic Research Centre
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 October 2008
- PhD Opportunities on New Zealand Supervolcanoes
- Research Scientist Position (Volcanologist): Geological Survey of Canada
- 2009 International Training Course in Volcano Hazards Monitoring
- Post Doctoral Position: Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
- Collapse Calderas Workshop Proceedings Have Been Published
- JKASP-2009: 6th Biennial Workshop on Japan-Kamchatka-Alaska Subduction Processes
- Faculty Position in Remote Sensing, University of Alaska
- Students Required to Work at Colima
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 October 2008
- USGS Mendenhall Postdoc - Groundwater Dynamics at Mount St. Helens
- Soufriere Hills Detailed Webpages on photovolcanica.com
- PhD and MS Opportunities in Experimental Volcanology/Petrology at the University of Missouri
- Infrasound Analyst Position: University of Hawaii-Manoa
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 October 2008
- Institute of Earth Science and Engineering (New Zealand) Seeks Senior Geologist
- USGS Mendenhall Opportunity: ETS in Alaska
- Postdoctoral Fellowships: American Museum of Natural History
- Predoctoral Fellowships: American Museum of Natural History
- XV Edition International Central Andean Volcanological Field Course
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 October 2008
- PhD and Postdoc Positions in Physical Volcanology at the Earth Science Institute of Orleans
- CCVG-IAVCEI Workshop on Volcanic Gases: Registration Deadline!
- Piton de la Forunaise Activity: October 2008
- Meeting "Volcan de Colima": Abstract Deadline is 31 October!!
- Postdoctoral Positions at the University of Chile
- JVGR Special Issue on "Volcanoes and Human History"
- Geoscientist Positions Available at the Earth Observatory of Singapore
- Australian Research Council "Future Fellowships" Scheme for Mid-Career Researchers
- Another Facebook Group on Montserrat
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 24-30 September 2008
- PubVolc Digest - September 2008
- 3rd International Maar Confer ence: Malargüe, Argentina 2009
- Special Publication: Fluid Motions in Volcanic Conduits
- Morphological Changes at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica: September, 2008
- Field Report: Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica, September, 2008
- Research Position in Volcanology - Iceland
- SHORT COURSE RE-OPENED (Minerals, Inclusions and Volcanic Processes)
- Hopi Buttes Maar-Diatreme Workshop (CVS)
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 17-23 September 2008
- Classic petrology and volcanology papers in recycle bin
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, July 2008
- Montserrat Volcano Observatory Website Evaluation
- New Contact Information for Catherine Hickson
- JVGR Special Issue on Ecuadorian Volcanism
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 September 2008
- Crustal Geodynamicist Position at the University of South Florida
- Annual Meeting of the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG)
- Piton de la Fournaise Activity: August/September 2008
- USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Opportunity: Kilauea Volcano
- University of Mainz (Germany) Seeking Professor of Volcanology
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, June 2008
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 September 2008
- Update Information: CCVG-IAVCEI Workshop on Volcanic Gases
- Short Course on Fluids in the Earth: Napoli, Italy - October 2008
- AGU 2008 Session V11: Volcano imaging experiments at arc volcanoes.
- VISCOSITY MODEL: Web-Based Computation of Viscosity for Natural Melts
- Sloshing lava lake viewing within Halema`uma`u Vent
- Fall AGU 2008 Reminder: "Failed" Magmatic Eruptions: When Unrest Leads to Quiescence (V27)
- In search of machine-readable volcanic eruption database
- AGU Session V34: Flow and Fracture of Magma
- AGU Session IN02: Visualizing Scientific Data Using KML and Virtual Globes
- Fall AGU 2008 Reminder: Observations and Modeling of Volcanic Blasts and Jets (V26)
- AGU Session V17: The First Historical Er uption of Chaitén Volcano, Southern Chile
- AGU Session A53: The 2008 Eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi Volcanoes, Alaska
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 27 August-2 September 2008
- PhD Position in Physical Volcanology, Quebec City, Canada
- Soufriere Hills Volcano Discussion Platform on Facebook
- 3rd International Maar Conference in Malargüe, Argentina: April, 2009
- PubVolc Digest - August 2008
- AGU Session V05: Recent Advances in Lithium Isotope Geochemistry
- AGU Session V33: Advances in analyzing rock textures and microgeochemistry
- Deadline Reminder: CCVG-IAVCEI Workshop on Volcanic Gases
- Chaitén Eruption Health Hazard Assessment
- ASTER Data: Klyuchevskoy and Bezymianny Volcanoes, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
- AGU Special Session: Advances in Volcano Monitoring and Research at the Alaska Volcano Observatory
- Fully-funded PhD Opportunity in Volcanic Health Hazards, Durham University
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 20-26 August 2008
- Student looking for PhD in physical volcanology
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13-19 August 2008
- Fall AGU Union Session: Fluids at Convergent Margins
- Kasatochi SO2 Cloud
- MVO Weekly Report 8 - 15 August 2008
- AGU Session on Mount St. Helens
- AGU Session on Geological Fluid Dynamics (V10)
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6-12 August 2008
- Fall AGU Session: Imaging and Tomography at Arc Volcanoes (V11)
- Leverhulme Postdoctoral Fellowship in Quaternary Environments and Geoarchaeology
- AVO Status Report 2008_08_08_1220
- Special Session at the 2008 IAVCEI General Assembly: Glaciovolcanism (3b)
- Fall AGU Session: Flow and Fracture of Magma (V34)
- AVO Kasatochi Volcano Activity Notice: 2008_08_07_1526
- Fall AGU Session: Arc Dynamics of Kamchatka (V30)
- Short Course: Minerals, Inclusions & Volcanic Processes
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 July-5 August 2008
- AGU Melt Inclusion Special Session V23
- PubVolc Digest - July 2008
- AGU Session V38- Minerals, Inclusions and Volcanic Processes: Crystal-scale records of magma dynamics
- Current Activity of Kamchatkan Volcanoes
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23-29 July 2008
- ASTER Data: Klyuchevskoy Volcano, July 2008
- Faculty Position at Brock University, Ontario, Canada
- Partial Dome Collapse at Soufriere Hills Volcano
- IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly: Okmok Remote Sensing Poster Session
- AGU Special Sessions on Teaching Intro Geosciences (ED08, ED09)
- Soliciting Abstracts- AGU Session: Recent Advances in Planetary Volcanology
- 4+ Years Job Opportunity in Experimental Petrology, Bristol, UK
- Fall AGU Session- "Failed" Magmatic Eruptions: When Unrest Leads to Quiescence
- 2008 AGU Fall Meeting: Geomorphology from Earth Orbit (H48)
- 2008 AGU Fall Meeting VGP Special Session (V41): Volatile Diffusion and Degassing
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16-22 July 2008
- Fall AGU 2008: Observations and Modeling of Volcanic Blasts and Jets (V26)
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, May 2008
- CCVG-IAVCEI Field Workshop on Volcanic Gases
- Postdoc Position in Volcano Modelling
- Kilauea Images: July 2008
- AVO Okmok Volcano Activity Notice: 2008_07_16_0952
- Chaiten Images on Photovolcanica
- AVO Information Statement: 2008_07_14_1626
- Searching for a PhD thesis in the general area of physical volcanology
- AVO Okmok Volcano Activity Notice: 2008_07_13_0824
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 July 2008
- Stromboli: Summit Activity in June 2008
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25 June-1 July 2008
- PubVolc Digest - June 2008
- Publication Announcement: Caldera Volcanism
- Two Volcano Scientist Positions in New Zealand: Geodesist and Gas Geochemist
- New Information Resources Posted on HVO Website
- JKASP Meeting 2009
- Volcanology for Children
- Volcano Seismology Position at USGS Menlo Park
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 18-24 June 2008
- Hawaii Magazine Volcano Link
- IAVCEI General Assembly: Late-Breaking Posters
- PhD Positions at Uppsala University, Sweden
- ESF Conference and a Special Session on Volcano Seismology
- Use of Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Volcanoes and Seismogenic Areas: Workshop Announcement
- Long Range Science Plan for Seismology (LRSPS) Workshop Announcement
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 11-17 June 2008
- Increasing Activity at Etna: June 2008
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, April 2008
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 4-10 June 2008
- Job Opening: USGS Researcher for Volcano Emissions Project
- EGU 2009: Conveners Wanted for Volcanic Hazards Session
- Anak Krakatau Eruption Images
- Post Doctoral Research Associate Position in Bristol, UK
- Visiting Professor Position in Mineralogy and Petrology: Grand Valley State University
- Hot Avalanche From Arenal Volcano
- Teaching Position Available: Central Washington University
- Image Galleries of Chaiten City
- New Mineral Named After Haroun Tazieff
- New Additions to KVERT's Catalogue of Volcanoes
- International Master in Magmas and Volcanoes: Université Blaise Pascal
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 May-3 June 2008
- Position in Hazard & Disaster Management, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
- PubVolc Digest - May 2008
- Last Call for Abstracts: GSA Session on Modeling Hazardous Phenomena
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 May 2008
- Etna Eruption: May 2008 Photos
- New Contact Information: Jorge Clavero
- CCVG-IAVCEI Field Workshop on Volcanic Gases
- Volcan Jorullo 250th Anniversary Congress
- 3rd International Maar Conference
- GSA Topical Session T99: Small Volcanic Vents and Their Associated Vent Fields
- ESC 2008 Session Announcement: Natural and Induced Earthquakes
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 May 2008
- ESC Volcano Seismology Workshop 2008
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 May 2008
- EMSEV-DEMETER 2008 Meeting
- Volcano on Portugese Stamp
- Amazing Chaitén Photos
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 April-6 May 2008
- AIV & INGV - International School of Volcanology - Stromboli (Italy)
- UPDATE: Chile eruption was from CHAITEN not Minchinmavida
- Field Trip to Wrangellia Flood Basalts Following Goldschmidt 2008
- Sudden Eruption at Minchinmávida Volcano, Chile
- Volcanoes for people - Seeking assistance, data, info
- PubVolc Digest April 2008
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23-29 April 2008
- PhD Opportunities at the University of Auckland
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16-22 April 2008
- Mexico's Workshop on Calderas: October, 2008
- Postdoc Position in Volcanology: Universidad de Colima, Mexico
- Volcanological Congress in Mexico: September 2008
- Volcano Systems Science Field Course Blog
- Open House: Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver WA May 3, 2008
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 9-15 April 2008
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, February 2008
- IUGG 2003 Fieldtrip Guidebook
- Halema`uma`u Vent Explodes a Second Time
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 April 2008
- Volcanology Sessions at AGU Western Pacific Meeting
- PubVolc - New Online Service
- Announcing the 2008 Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research
- New Web Page About Volcanic Monitoring of National Geographic Institute of Spain
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 March-1 April 2008
- International Volcanological Field School - Application Deadline Extended
- Detailed Information and Many Photos of Dallol Volcano
- IAVCEI 2008: CEV Short Course
- AZORES - Announcement of Postdoc Grants
- 10th CCVG-IAVCEI Field Workshop Questionnaire
- JVGR Special Issue: Tharsis Province, Mars
- IAVCEI 2008 Session Deadline Reminder: Local and Global Co-operation
- LAST REMINDER: IAVCEI 2008 Volcanic Sector Collapse (2-k)
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 March 2008
- Environmental effects of volcanic emissions - IAVCEI 2008
- IAVCEI 2008 Session - Chambers and conduits II: Experiments and numerical modelling
- IAVCEI 2008: Explosive Subaqueous Eruptions (Session 3-c)
- Reminder: IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly, 18-22 August - Tephra Session
- Halema`uma`u gas plume becomes ash-laden
- IAVCEI 2008- From crystals to crust: Lithospheric and crustal growth and evolution
- Goldschmidt 2008 Fieldtrips
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, January 2008
- Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems at IAVCEI 2008 (Session 3-f)
- IAVCEI 2008: Chambers and conduits I: Geophysical, geochemical and geological observations (1-k)
- IAVCEI 2008: Data Processing, Statistics and Pattern Recognition in Volcanology (2-h)
- IAVCEI 2008: Physical Characteristics of Ignimbrites (2-l)
- Explosive eruption in Halema`uma`u Crat er, Kīlauea Volcano, is first since 1924
- IAVCEI 2008: Magma Movement Session Reminder
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 March 2008
- New Gas Vent in Halema`uma`u Crater Doubles Sulfur Dioxide Emission Rates
- Lava and Dome Session at IAVCEI 2008
- New Kilauea Summit Eruption!
- IAVCEI Commission on Collapse Calderas (CoCC)
- Position Available: Assistant Professor in Petrology, Uppsala University, Sweden
- IAVCEI 2008: Data Processing, Statistics, and Pattern Recognition in Volcanology (2-h)
- SI/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 March 2008
- Report from Goma Volcano Observatory, 11 March 2008
- Arnau Folch: Change of Address Announcement
- Announcement of MELTS, GLASSES, MAGMAS 2008
- Quaternary Environments Postdoc Related to Toba Eruption
- IAVCEI 2008 Session 1f: Bimodal Magmatism
- IAVCEI 2008 Session: Geodynamic and Tectonic Controls on Volcanism
- Remote Sensing Session at IAVCEI Iceland 2008
- IAVCEI 2008: Responding to Volcanic Health Hazards (Session 4-d)
- Erta Ale Images, Request for Dallol-Related Info
- Faculty Position in Solid-Earth Geophysics at University of Chile, Santiago
- Volcanological Ibero-American Network and Latin American Association of Volcanology
- IAVCEI 2008: Advances in Geochemical Volcano Monitoring (Session 2-g)
- Post-doctoral Position at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- IAVCEI 2008: Integrated Monitoring and Modelling of Volcanic Activity
- IGC 33 Session MPI-05: Large Igneous Provinces
- Supervolcanoes! (Elements issue)
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 27 February-4 March 2008
- IAVCEI 2008: Advances in Electromagnetic Investigations of Active Volcanoes and Hydrothermal Fields (2-f)
- AGU WPGM 2008 Session V04: Volcanic Hazard and Risk in the Asia-Pacific Region
- GSA Publication Announcement: Sierra Madre Occidental Volcanic Field
- New Publication: Vesuvius in Schools
- IAVCEI General Assembly 2008: Geology of Volcanoes (Session 2-a)
- IAVCEI 2008 (Session 3-e) Volcanic and Geothermal Systems: From Fumaroles and Mudpools to Volcanic Lakes
- Glaciovolcanism at IAVCEI 2008: Session 3-b
- Change of address announcement: Stephen Self
- IGC Oslo Abstract Deadline Extended: GHZ-08 Volcano flank instability.
- Research Studentship at Lancaster University
- Kuno Award of the AGU (VGP)
- AGU WPGM 2008 - Tephra Risk: A Multi-Disciplinary Problem (V02)
- GEO-ELFS Website
- IGC Oslo 2008 Reminder: Session on the construction/destruction of magmatic and volcanic systems
- The 33rd International Geological Congress: Call for contributions
- IAVCEI funding application deadline approaching!
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 20-26 February 2008
- Mount St. Helens Tree Blowdown Maps
- IGC33: Layered Intrusions & Magma Chambers
- Travel Grants for Volcanology Graduate Students in US Universities to IAVCEI General Assembly, Iceland
- International Volcanological Field School 2008
- ASTER Image Database for volcanoes Ver. 2.0 was released
- Volclano Seismologist Position, USGS
- New URL of the Collapse Calderas Work Group Blog
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, December 2007
- Research Fellow in Engineering Seismology/Earthquake Engineering
- Ol Doinyo Lengai Volcano Photos
- IAVCEI 2008 Short Course: Field-based Methodologies for Quantifying Volcanic Activity
- AGU WPGM 2008: Modelling Volcanic Processes
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 13-19 February 2008
- Goldschmidt 2008: Temporal geochemical evolution of active magmatic systems
- 33rd IGC - Oslo (7-14 August 2008): EUR-8: The North Atlantic ...
- IAVCEI 2008 Session - Local and global co-operation (correction)
- 33 IGC Field Excursion No. 6 - The Palaeogene Faroe Islands Basalt Group
- KVERT Web Page in English
- Goldschmidt 2008: Volatile Cycles and the Role of Volatiles in the Mantle
- CEV Short Course in Iceland
- IAVCEI 2008: Geophysics & Remote Sensing in the Study of Plumes and Flows (2-m)
- Erta Ale Lava Lake and Dallol Hot Springs Photos
- Science Honors Director Position Announcement, Central Washington University
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 6-12 February 2008
- Goldschmidt 2008: Crystal Records of Magmatic Processes
- Volcanic/Plutonic Field Trip - Colorado River Area, NV-AZ
- Report From Debate Around Haroun Tazieff's Legacy in Brussels
- Field Trip to Arizona Volcanoes Following GSA Meeting
- Bulletin of Volcanology - Colour Figures
- Goldschmidt 2008 Session: Links Between Plutonic and Volcanic Systems
- Position Announcement: Dean of Sciences, Central Washington University
- Goldschmidt 2008: Mechanisms and time scales of crustal assimilation
- IAVCEI 2008: Lahars- insights into flow and sediment dynamics... (3-d)
- Goldschmidt Session 9e: Secular changes in arc magma compositions through time
- IAVCEI 2008: Volcanoes and the Earth's Atmosphere (4-a)
- Information About Sumatran Volcanoes Needed
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 30 January-5 February 2008
- IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly: Volcano Hazard Mapping (4-e)
- Second Workshop on Collapse Calderas: October 19-25, 2008
- IGC Oslo 2008: Session on Initiation, Evolution and Origin of Large Igneous Provinces
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 23-29 January 2008
- 33rd IGC - Oslo 2008: The North Atlantic Igneous Province Stripped
- Web Page on the Eruption of Llaima Volcano, Chile
- Oldoinyo Lengai Field Mission December 2007
- New Publication: Fundamentals of Physical Volcanology
- Guatemalan Volcanoes Photos from December, 2007/January, 2008
- Small Phreatic Eruption on January 13, 2008: Poás Volcano, Costa Rica
- Graduate Summer Internships in Volcano Seismology/Geodesy/Petrology
- Goldschmidt 2008: Primary melt generation and dynamics of magma transport and storage
- CCVG-IAVCEI Field Workshop on Volcanic Gases
- Event to Commemorate Haroun Tazieff
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, November 2007
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 16-22 January 2008
- Professor Peter Baker
- Reader or Senior Lecturer in Geoscience: Durham University
- Developing Country Collaborations - IAVCEI 2008 Session
- Advancing Volcanology in Developing Countries: Update & Opportunities
- University at Buffalo’s Center for Geo Hazards Studies First-Annual Conference
- Quaternary Magmatism in the Cascades— Geologic Perspectives by Wes Hildreth
- 2008 Scripps Postdoctoral Awards
- Richter Award Nominations
- IAVCEI 2008: Remote Sensing of Volcanoes- Ground, Air and Space Observations
- Stromboli in 1952 and 1953
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 9-15 January 2008
- IAVCEI General Assembly 2008: Earth Sciences for Society
- IAVCEI 2008: From crystals to crust - Crustal growth and lithospheric evolution
- IGC Oslo 2008: Volcano flank instability
- IAVCEI 2008 Sessions on Large Igneous Provinces
- IAVCEI General Assembly 2008: Explosive volcanism (1-m)
- IAVCEI 2008 Session 2-L: Physical Characteristics of Ignimbrites
- Chapter in GSA P4 Book: A hotspot in a collision zone without a mantle plume
- Post-doctoral position - Keele University, UK
- IAVCEI General Assembly 2008: Volatiles in Magmas (1-j)
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 2-8 January 2008
- Field Assistants Needed for Continuing Research at Masaya Volcano
- IAVCEI General Assembly 2008: Chambers and Conduits 1 (1-k)
- Volcano Seismology - Special Session for 2008 SSA Meeting
- IAVCEI General Assembly 2008: Bimodal Magmatism (Session 1-f)
- EGU 2008: New Monitoring Techniques Applied to Active Volcanoes
- Announcing the 2008 Jack Kleinman Grants for Volcano Research
- IAVCEI 2008 - Magmatic-hydrothermal systems
- Environmental Effects of Volcanic Emissions - IAVCEI 08
- IAVCEI General Assembly 2008: Magma Movement (Session 1-i)
- IAVCEI General Assembly 2008: Volcanic Sector Collapse
- EGU 2008 Session on Continental Rifting
- New Japanse Version of Monterrat's Andesite Volcano
- IAVCEI General Assembly 2008: Caldera Volcanism (Session 2-i)
- Volcano Flank Instability Session at EGU 2008
- IAVCEI General Assembly 2008: Tephra Studies-Tephrochronlogy (session 2-n)
- EGU 2008: Session GMPV19 Volatiles and Bubbles in Magmas
- IAVCEI 2008 - Chambers and conduits II: Experiments and numerical modelling
- Volcanic Hazards Sessions at EGU 2008
- IAVCEI General Assembly 2008: Volcanic Disaster Risk Reduction
- IAVCEI General Assembly 2008: Volcanism and cryovolcanism in the solar system
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 December 2007-1 January 2008
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 December 2007
- IGC Oslo 2008: Volcanic eruptions: Chamber, conduit, and depositional processes
- Volcano Seismology Session at SSA 2008 Meeting
- IAVCEI General Assembly 2008: Lava Flows and Domes
- Expedition to Karymsky: September 2008
- Sheveluch Activity Update: December 21, 2007
- IGC Oslo 2008: Session on the construction/destruction of magmatic and volcanic systems
- IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly Registration Announcement
- World Organisation of Volcano Observatories Updates
- EGU 2008 Vienna: Understanding Physical and Chemical Signals at Active Volcanoes
- Volcano Systems Science Field Course in New Zealand
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 December 2007
- New Explosive Event at Sheveluch Volcano: December 19, 2007
- EGU 2008 Vienna: Submarine Volcano Observation and Monitoring
- Information For Accessing Volcanonet Group on Facebook
- Volcanonet Group on Facebook is Now Open
- Recent New Zealand Additions to Photovolcanica.com
- Ph.D. Studentship - Multiphase Dynamics of Pyroclastic Flows
- 2008 EGU General Assembly: Magmatic Differentiation
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, October 2007
- Volcan Fuego, Guatemala Activity Alert: December 15, 2007
- Proposal For Volcanonet Group on Facebook
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 December 2007
- Explosive Subaqueous Eruptions -- IAVCEI Reykjavik
- 33 IGC Field Excursion No. 6 - The volcanic and sedimentary evolution of the Palaeogene Faroe Islands Basalt Group
- Tall Plumes From Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica
- Questions Regarding Hydrothermal Systems
- EGU 2008: NH3.4 Volcanic Hazards at Large Silicic Calderas
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 28 November-4 December 2007
- Session Announcement EGU 2008: Volcanic Hazards
- Anak Krakatau
- Session on "Statistical methods and stochastic models for the estimation of volcanic hazard" at EGU 2008
- EGU08: Session 'Geochronology of igneous processes'
- 2008 EGU Vienna - Accessory Minerals Session
- Mars-Analog Petrology/Volcanology Post-doc
- Sessions in Honor of James F. Luh r at Next Week’s AGU Fall Meeting
- Montserrat Eruption Secondary School Teachers' Resource Pack Now Available
- IAVCEI Award Nominations Due December 15
- Tenure Track Chair Position at East Tennessee State
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 21-27 November 2007
- New Book on Italian Volcanoes
- International Seminar on Seismic Risk: the July 9, 1998 Azores Earthquake - NEW DATES
- Volunteers Needed to Staff the EarthScope Booth at the AGU Fall Meeting
- Judges Needed for GVP Student Presentations at the AGU Fall Meeting
- Physical Volcanology Instruction Modules Available
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 14-20 November 2007
- Notice of an IAVCEI Session on Glaciovolcanism
- Volcanic Hazard Atlas of the Lesser Antilles Available From Amazon.com
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, September 2007
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 7-13 November 2007
- Stromboli Summit Activity Resumes
- Volcanic Rocks Needed For Educational Project
- Changes in Crater Glacier, Mount St. Helens
- EGU2008 NH3.5: Short-term volcanic hazard and eruption forecasting
- AVO Implements New Volcano Hazard Notifications
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 31 October-6 November 2007
- EGU2008: Session NH3.3 Models for volcanic hazard assessment
- EGU 2008: GMPV19 Session ' Volatiles and bubbles in magmas'
- 2nd Circular for IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly
- Nyiragongo Eruption Footage Wanted
- WOVO/WOVOdat meetings at COV5
- EGU 2008: GMPV23 Explosive Activity at Basaltic Volcanoes
- GMPV27 at EGU 2008: Large igneous provinces and their impact on life and environment
- Bezymianny Eruption October 14, 2007: ASTER Data
- EGU 2008: Submarine Volcano Observation and Monitoring
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 24-30 October 2007
- Volcano Flank Instability Session at EGU 2008
- Perspective View of Volcano Plumbing
- Two Post-doc Positions at CSIC in Barcelona, Spain
- New Book: Red Volcanoes
- EGU 2008: GMPV22 Dynamics of pre-eruptive and eruptive processes
- Volcano Numismatics and Maya
- EGU 2008: Emplacement of magma pulses and growth of magma bodies
- Session GMPV17 at EGU 2008: Magmatic Differentiation
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, August 2007
- Johnson Endowed Chair in Isotope Geochemistry
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 17-23 October 2007
- Alaska Aerial Photos Additional Info
- Alaska Volcanoes Aerial Photography
- Postdoctoral and PhD Position at IFM-GEOMAR
- VMSG 2008 Meeting: New Deadlines
- Volcano Data File Needed For Disaster Response
- New Volcano Book by Donna O'Meara
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 10-16 October 2007
- New Book: “VOLCANS ”, LE CHENE Ed., Paris
- KVERT INFORMATION RELEASE: Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 03:15 UTC
- KVERT INFORMATION RELEASE: Sunday, October 14, 2007, 22:15 UTC
- Inquiry on Rabaul Caldera Eruptions of 1994 to Present
- Postdoctoral Position in Physical Volcanology: Blaise Pascal University
- Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group Meeting: 4-5 January, 2008
- International Seminar on Seismic Risk: the July 9, 1998 Azores Earthquake
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 3-9 October 2007
- SO2 Emissions From the Jebel al-Tair Eruption
- Ruapehu Volcanic Activity Update: October 4, 2007
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 26 September-2 October 2007
- Workshop on Eruption Forecasting Using BET_EF
- Activity Update for Kelud Volcano, Indonesia
- Volcanic Eruption Reported off Yemen
- NYTimes.com: Volcanic Eruption Reported off Yemen
- Ruapehu Eruption Summary
- Professor Position in Volcanology at Blaise Pascal University
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 19-25 September 2007
- Eruption on Ruapehu, New Zealand, 26 Sept. 2007
- Position in Global Hydrology
- Seeking PhD in the Study of African Volcanoes
- Interfacing TG/DTA with ICP-MS
- Tenure Track Position at UNAM
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, July 2007
- Computer Programmer/IT Specialist Required at the Seismic Research Unit
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 12-18 September 2007
- Division Director Search at the NSF
- Seeking PhD in Volcanology
- Volcano-Seismologist Required at MVO
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 5-11 September 2007
- Post for Lecturer/Professor in Earth Science
- Thermal Emission: Eruption at Oldoinyo Lengai
- Oldoinyo Lengai: Explosive Eruption
- News From Oldoinyo Lengai
- Hot Spring Analyses
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 29 August-4 September 2007
- Deadline Approaching: 4 Post-Doctoral Positions in Azores
- Etna Update: 31 August 2007
- Petrologic Mixing Program (Petmix)
- Death of Michel Semet
- Volatiles and Melts in the Earth's Interior (DI02) - Fall AGU 2007
- "Volcanism on Io" - New From Cambridge University Press
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 22-28 August 2007
- Science Education Position at NMSU: Link Corrected
- Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, June 2007
- More IAVCEI Surtseyan Workshop Info
- Science Education Position at NMSU
- Research Scientist/Research Assistant Professor Position(s)--Michigan Tech
- Etna Update: 24 August 2007
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 15-21 August 2007
- 2008 IAVCEI Volcano Calendar Now Available
- New Volcano Photo Website
- USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Opportunity: Quaternary Rates of Magma Production in the Aleutian Arc
- USGS Postdoctoral Opportunity: Thermal Remote Sensing on Volcanoes
- New Ash Pamphlets: Addendum
- AGU Session V27: Tracking Magma Movement and Storage in Basaltic Edifices
- Pavlof Eruption Update: August 17, 2007
- Postdoc Position in Geological Fluid Dynamics
- AGU Special Session: Experiments and Fluids: From the Deep Ocean to the Depths of the Earth
- AGU Session V16: Geoscience Research For Geothermal Energy Utilization
- New Volcanic Ash Pamphlets Published
- Volcanic Eruption Detected in Western Afar, Ethiopia
- Fall AGU Session: Subduction Volcanism at Continental Margins
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 8-14 August 2007
- Pavlof Volcano Displays Eruption Precursors
- Research Fellow in Volcanology/Petrology
- Invitation of IAVCEI Awards Nominations
- Fall AGU Session V15: Volcano-Pluton Connections
- AGU Session on Recent Kilauea Activity
- AGU Fall Meeting Session V37: The Dynamics and Longevity of Silicic Magma Systems
- Fuego, Guatemala Activity Alert
- 2 Months Summary of Activity: Turrialba, Costa Rica
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 1-7 August 2007
- Fall AGU 2007: Halogens in Volcanic Systems
- Volatiles and Melts in the Earth's Interior (DI02) - Fall AGU 2007
- AGU 2007 Special Session T16: Mesozoic Tectonics and Volcanism in the Pacific
- AGU Session: Using Geobrowsers (ex. Google Maps/Earth, NASA World Wind) for Science
- Abstracts of Comsol Multiphysics Conference 2005
- Kverkfjoll Volcano Seismic Activity
- Fall AGU Session V38 - Challenges to Electron Microprobe Analysis in Geology
- Fall AGU 2007: Integrating Petrological, Experimental, and Field Studies of Pyroclastic Deposits
- IAVCEI Honorary Life Members
- 2007 Fall AGU Special Session on Prediction and Tracking of Volcanic Ash Clouds
- Re: Vulcan's Daughters
- GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report 25-31 July 2007
- AGU Session V36: New Developments in Geochronology
[Index of Archives]
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